
Target Your Thighs and Butt in One Day

Basic lunges target the glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves – but they also tap into core strength, and with intense reps, can become an intense cardio workout.
By the time you’re done with today’s assignment, you’ll have done over 150 lunges, shocking your lower body into bikini mode!

  1. Start standing, and alternate bringing each foot to the floor in front of you – bending 90-degrees at the knee. Do not bend your knee beyond your toes. Repeat for a total of 40 lunges (20 per side).
  2. Change your position by reaching your arms forward while you continue to lunge for 40 more reps.
  3. Next, do side lunges, alternating sides for a total of 40 reps. Keep your toes pointed forward and bend your knee no further than your toes.
  4. Move immediately into back lunges. Focus on maintaining a 90-degree angle with each knee…and you guessed it: 40 more!

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