
Former Home and Away star Tammin Sursok is re-launching her singing career.

Will she succeed?

Former Home and Away star Tammin Sursok, 31, has been on a mission to reinvent herself. First she started with her hair, which she recently dyed blonde after a long stint as a brunette.

She’s also been pumping iron in the gym, working hard on keeping in shape after giving birth at the end of last year.

Now she’s putting acting on hold to re-launch her career as a singer. On Wednesday, the celebrity mum who is currently in Australia with her husband Sean McEwen and baby girl, Phoenix, shared a shot of herself recording in a music studio.

With her earphones on, posing in front of the mic, Tammin captioned the shot with “Recording studio again... Been here before!”

She also stood alongside two musicians for another two snaps, sharing them with the messages “Fun in the studio” and “These beauties.”

Tammin first began her career as a singer ten years ago, leaving Home and Away in 2005 to make the transition. Her song Pointless Relationship reached number five in the Australian music chart and another single, Whatever Will Be reached number 13.

We can’t wait to see what she comes up with this time around.

SCROLL THROUGH the gallery for pictures of Tammin and her family... 

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