
Unforgivable things have been done to these women. But their words are unexpectedly beautiful.

Unforgivable things have been done to these women. But in these letters, strength and grace comes through every word.

WARNING: This post deals with issues of child sexual abuse and rape. Some readers might find this triggering. 

“It has taken me such a long time to write this story…”

They’re the words from one abuse victim who perfectly illustrates the courage palpable in a new online movement, one where survivors of abuse write love letters to themselves.

The movement began on Valentine’s Day through the Tumblr website #SurvivorLoveLetters and was created by Tani Ikeda, co-founder of a sex-ed company called imMEDIAte Justice.

Read more:Disturbing fact: In most countries, men have a legal “right to rape”.

Tani hereself is a survivor of abuse and wanted to flood the internet with love and support for fellow survivors. She chose Valentine’s Day not only for symbolism but also because it’s the anniversary of the day she was raped.

“I imagined what it would mean for my younger self to wake up on Valentine’s Day and read message after message of public support for surviving,” Tani told The Huffington Post.

“After surviving my rape I spent 10 more years surviving chronic depression and a perpetual feeling that I had to continue to fight for my life.”

That pain and constant struggle is clear throughout all of these letters but it’s also matched with the stunning courage and fighting spirit these survivors share. It will have you holding your breath as you read through.


“Part of breaking the stigma of shame surrounding being a rape survivor is for others to acknowledge that it happened and honor what that journey looks like,” Tani told HuffPost.

The movement also called for the loved ones of survivors to write in support. In this letter, a father writes to his daughter and you can sense his pain when he writes of the days his daughter’s “body and spirit were brutally violated.”


Some letters are defiantly simple.

And then there are the letters that make it clear that sexual violence is not discriminate and can happen to anyone.

If you want to view more of these letters or contribute your own, head to the Tumblr site here.

Please note if this post or any of the comments bring up any issues for you, or if you need to speak to someone please 1800-RESPECT or the NSW Rape Crisis Centre on 1800 424 017.  It does not matter where about you live in Australia, they will take your call and, if need be, refer you to a service closer to home.

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Top Comments

Margaret 9 years ago

Oh my. I wish that I had known to do that when I came through the other side from my childhood sexual abuse at the hands of my father. I am 61 now and it started when I was maybe 7 or 8. I remember reading this a little while ago. The hard part is pretending to not give a fuck when you really do. The worst part is trying to close your heart when it's doors have been blown apart

Me 9 years ago

Wow Margaret... I think your journey must be amazing! Thank you for sharing your comments... I think I'm wrong to not know how to write what my comments should be...and I was a lot older... I'm in awe of you... 👏 :) xxxx

gjacqui 9 years ago

Im sorry that happened by someone that was meant to protect you. You are strong. Much love.