
"I'm a straight, white man. And I'm sorry."

Are you:

a) Not a man?

b) Not straight?

c) Not white? Or

d) All of the above?

Then this video is just for you.

A group of straight, white men have got together to plead their case, as it were. To explain why, when it comes to issues that adversely affect anyone other than them, they have the capacity to be total dicks. Straight, white dicks.

Is it funny? Yes. Accurate? Most definitely.

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Top Comments

Anna 10 years ago

Oh FFS, I honestly can't believe people are completely missing the point of this video!

Ari 10 years ago

You can say you're proud to be black. Or Asian. Or aboriginal. Or middle eastern or whatever it is you are. But the bile which would be heaped on someone who said they were proud to be white would be beyond belief. Your race or skin colour is not something to be proud of, unless you somehow managed to make yourself purple, 'cause that shit would be awesome.
The same goes for gender, and sexual preference. You didn't make that. You were born that way.
You don't get to be proud of something you didn't do, and you shouldn't have to feel bad about being born into a situation were you have never been mistreated as a minority.

I can't be proud to be straight without being a homophobe, and I shouldn't be proud of being gay without expecting to look like a hypocrite.

We have this situation, particularly in Australia, where racism and homophobia are being turned around so that instead of the field being equaled, the advantage is just being turned to the opposite side.

Guys, this doesn't help, and there doesn't have to be sides.
Can't we just agree that there are white people who kidnap children and hide them away for sex or sell them, that sometimes men get the short end of the stick in the workplace and that LGBTQ people can be arseholes too?

Basically, what I'm asking here, is can we just, for the love of whatever supreme being or force or energy you believe in, grow the f---- up?

Anna 10 years ago

When people say they are 'proud to be xyz', they are actually saying they will not feel ashamed to be xyz, because in many cases, that part of their identity works against them. There is not point in feeling proud to be white, because being white actually means I am going to live a much easier, much more privileged life than someone born in the same city, in the same year as me, of Aboriginal descent. Whats to be proud of when something I was 'born with' gives me automatic privilege? Its not really that difficult ???