
Meet the groundbreaking Aussie women brewing changes in the beer industry.

Nine Aussie women fed up with the male-dominated beer industry have turned their appetite for change into a brand new beverage company, with products that speak for themselves.

Their craft beer brewery is Adelaide-based, but the team behind The Sparkke Change Beverage Company are bringing their expertise from all over the country.

Each of their four all-natural alcoholic creations comes with a message on a different social cause and part of the profits pledged go back into each.

The Sparkke range has something to say. Image via Facebook.

They have a lemonade for gender equality which shouts the slogan 'Nipples are Nipples'.

Meanwhile their pilsner is pushing to 'Change the date' of Australia Day, out of respect to Indigenous Australians.

There's a ginger beer for asylum seekers, reminding drinkers we've 'Boundless plains to share' and finally an apple cider with a powerful take on sexual consent, reading: 'Consent can’t come after you do'.

Sparkke is run by an all-female team of young social activists with diverse sexual orientations, cultures, and backgrounds.

They're already disrupting the four billion dollar a year beer industry with big plans to "add to the conversation" and agitate for real, positive change in the community.

“We realise it’s a totally new way to tackle social issues, but if you think about it, the greatest conversation starter of our generation – and most generations – is a social drink," Sarah Barrable-Tishauer of Sparkke said.

"We want to get people talking about important issues in relaxed settings where the real conversations happen – and at the same time get a smile or two.”

The drinks are now available for pre-sale on Pozible - just in time for summer.

Here's cheers to some much-needed change.

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