
Spaghetti Calabrese.

By: Frank Criniti


1 ½ crushed Italian sausages

1 ½ cups of napoletana sauce

8 chopped cherry truss tomatoes

8 liguria olives

8 basil leaves

1 tablespoon of butter

½ teaspoon of chopped chili

50 ml extra virgin olive oil

Pinch of salt & pepper

Parmesan cheese

A handful of spaghetti


  1. Heat oil in a pan.
  2. Add Italian sausages, chili, butter, olives, tomatoes and cook until sautéed.
  3. Pour in napoletana sauce, season with salt & peper and reduce.
  4. Add cooked pasta and basil and toss thoroughly.
  5. Garnish with basil leaf and parmesan and serve.


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