
Why Sonny Blake was banished from The Wrong Girl's filming set after just one visit.

The bubbly two-year-old son of Zoe Foster-Blake and Hamish Blake has been banned from The Wrong Girl set and it’s not because somebody found Play-Doh in their handbag.

The Wrong Girl is a new drama series based off Foster-Blake’s novel of the same name that is set to shake up Channel 10.

The story follows TV producer Lily Woodward and her attempts to juggle a hectic work schedule with an even crazier personal life.

Hashtag feels, babe.

Actress Jessica Marais, 31, told news.com.au Sonny was taken out after he overheard some not so toddler-friendly lines.

Marais, who plays Lily, said the incident happened during one of her own scenes.

“Zoe brought Sonny into the set once, and they happened to be there for this one scene where Lily says a particularly inappropriate sentence,” she said.

“So she quickly whisked him out of there.”

We just hopes the little fella takes it in stride. If you haven't been kicked out of a work event of a close relative then you haven't really lived.

It may not be a super toddler-friendly environment but the male roles of the show prove important reflections of the modern man.

Home and Away star Ian Meadows plays a romantic lead opposite Marais in the character of Pete.

Meadows told news.com.au his character is forced to grapple real life problems as a man entering the middle stage of his adulthood.

“As a generation, I think we [men] don’t have a lot of rites of passage. I think he [the character Pete] has gotten to the point where he’s 30, and he’s suddenly he’s hit with some things to make him grow up pretty quickly,” he said.

The Wrong Girl premieres tonight on Channel 10 at 8.30pm.

Feature image via Instagram: @zotheysay.

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