
Sonia Kruger's baby dominates morning TV. Needs to get an agent.

Maggie is a TV natural.

Sonia Kruger gave birth to her first child at age 49 in January, and she’s already getting back in the saddle on Nine’s Mornings, which she’s hosted since 2012 with David Campbell.

Little Maggie appeared on Today with her mum this morning as Kruger discussed returning to the show today, which airs from 9am on weekdays.

Speaking to Karl Stefanovic and Lisa Wilkinson about being a new mum, Kruger said she’s exhausted but happy.

“You are tired, but it’s worth it,” she said as Maggie sat placidly on her lap.

The hosts noted that Maggie seems to have inherited her mum’s TV talent.

“She is nailing this television camera,” said Karl.

Kruger discussed what it’s like being a new mum. The one piece of advice she wishes she’d known? Always take your baby’s socks off before you change a dirty nappy! Noted.

Campbell, Stefanovic and Kruger then walked off-set, leaving Lisa Wilkinson alone on the couch with baby Maggie, saying, “We’ve got a show to do!”

Scroll down for the video of the Today interview.

Campbell also became a parent for the second and third time recently, after his wife Lisa gave birth to twins Billy and Betty a few weeks before Maggie was born.

To publicise the popular presenter’s return, Kruger and Campbell appeared in a commercial with their children.

In the short ad after a crew member says, “David and Sonia, take 52!”, Campbell says to Kruger, “See they’re asleep, we can so do this.”

“Easy,” she says, looking unsure.

Kruger told news.com.au that she’s expecting criticism over her decision to return to work so soon after Maggie’s birth.

“For the most part, our viewers are very understanding. In 2015, for a lot of women, it is what it is. We don’t have a lot of choice in the matter,” she told news.com.au.

“You will always get criticism, and that is a shame. Women probably need to be more understanding of each other. In this industry, there is a lot of criticism.”

Read more: Sonia Kruger has a huge new job to go with her new baby.

Kruger will also be hosting the new series of The Voice with Darren McMullen.

She became pregnant at age 48 after several unsuccessful attempts at IVF with her husband, TV exec Craig McPherson. Kruger has said she doesn’t intend to have any more children.

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Top Comments

Guest 9 years ago

I really hope no one criticizes her decision - No one would blink an eyelid about David Campbell going back to work after the twins

Donna Murphy 9 years ago

she's just gorgeous.