
Somehow I blinked and 11 days went past since we last spoke.

How is that possible? Well, I kinda assumed you’d all be busy with friends and family and hang-overs and accumulating more debt at the sales so I took the opportunity to detox a little from my computer and recharge my brain cells.

My holidays were very quiet. Blissfully so. You know you’re relaxed when you have no idea what day it is. And most days, I didn’t. Usually, we’re up on the North Coast for Xmas / New Year but a friend’s wedding kept us in Sydney and we mooched around swimming and BBQ-ing and generally doing less than nothing. Having finally got the monkey off my back and submitted my book manuscript, I took the opportunity to celebrate on Xmas Eve with a nap and then a great big fat dose of relief.
Writing a book takes a long time and it’s always in your head, even when you’re not writing it, tapping on your shoulder and raking guilty fingers through your hair at every moment you’re not writing which, for me, was a lot of moments.

BUT NOW IT’S DONE. So my laptop and I needed a little time apart to rekindle the love. It’s back. I’m back. So much has happened over the past couple of weeks that we need to discuss. So there will be some posting about things that were covered in the mainstream media but not yet here.
Like Obama’s pecs. Must go now and find them.

I had a really wonderful 2008 and I’m grateful for all the good things that happened to me. There were also some hard bits, sad bits and bits that were confronting and disappointing. I have friends who experienced terrible loss and I know that for many, the end of 2008 couldn’t have come soon enough.

I’m excited about 2009. Economic turmoil aside, I have plans for more fun and excitement here and, as always, welcome your suggestions at any time for what you’d like to see. I’m flirting with the idea of the occasional vlog here at mamamia where I answer your questions or discuss….something or other. Give my fingers a rest from typing and activate my mouth.
Might need to brush my hair first though.
Anyway, welcome back – I missed youse all.
Mia xxx

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Top Comments

easto 12 years ago

Of course if you really are going to be departing as planned you've got no problems.

LikeX1980 12 years ago

Usually when i go to coffes ,pubs or supermarkets,the girls that answers me call me sweet.And you ,how they call ?Usually when i go to coffes ,pubs or supermarkets,the girls that answers me call me sweet,like sweet what do you want??And i think whats the fuckings goings on and dont know if i should ask them their mobile phone with such sweetness.What do you think?

Thank you

PLZ, Some problem : cellular phone guru wanted