
Some women have orgasms during childbirth. Others just have epidurals.

If there wasn’t enough pressure on women to have orgasms during, you know, sex, there’s a new documentary that insists we should have them during childbirth.
It’s called Orgasmic Birth which aims to ‘educate’ women about how we should be getting sexual pleasure during labour.

According to a report:

One of the women featured giving birth in the film, 29-year-old Amber Hartnell, says she experienced a climax just over halfway through giving birth to her son Orus, who’s now three-and-a-half.

‘All of a sudden, the orgasm just started rolling through and rolling through, and it just kept coming,’ says Amber, who lives in Hawaii

. She says she’d never read a childbirth book in her life ‘so she could be open to the process’.

She goes on to describe the physical sensations she experienced during a 12-hour water birth at home: ‘My whole body was spiralling and rolling, and I was laughing and crying… it was the most overwhelming pleasure I had ever felt in my life. It was like an energetic movement through me.’



……according to the panel of experts collected together for this film in order to tell us how to find sensual pleasure in birth, those contractions which make you feel like your insides are being pulled apart by two juggernauts are, in fact, waves of pleasure we mothers are too uptight to recognise.

‘When the baby’s coming down the birth canal, remember, it’s going through the exact same positions as something going in – the penis going into the vagina, which often leads to orgasm,’ says Dr Christiane Northrup, who seems to display a rather limited appreciation of the female
[you can read the whole story here...]

Orgasms, according to the film’s producer Debra
Pascali-Bonaro, are ‘the best-kept secret’ in childbirth. WELL THEY WERE CERTAINLY KEPT FROM ME. How about you?

Top Comments

Meg 15 years ago

This happened to me when I gave birth, although I still swear to this day that childbirth (mine was completely drug free and 43 hours long each 3 times) is the most painful experience I will ever go through ( saw my arm off, no worries I have given birth to 10 lbs babies) I really sunk into my body's journey and worked with it through every contraction(this was mentally exhausting also) when I was pushing I experienced orgasms, although there was also the pain. Go figure.

Caroline 15 years ago

I agree with Bells...

....If you see the DVD, Amber does not have an orgasm the entire labour, but it does seem that she is having a peak experience at one stage...

It's nice if you can have one, but not necessary to strive for one at all!

Incidentally, I read of a woman who had continuous orgasms during breastfeeding. It drove her nuts so she had to stop feeding!!

The body is a marvelous and mysterious thing and probably capable of so much more than we will ever experience in one lifetime.

Also, Mia, who cares what your 'stance' was once upon a time....thanks for making your job to find stuff for us to ponder, chat and muse over.