
The easy way to kick your kids' soft drink cravings.

Thanks to our brand partner, Zip HydroTap

We all know the benefits of drinking water.

Although, that doesn’t necessarily translate to drinking lots of water. Let’s face it, when the kids are screaming their bored, hungry, tired mantra it’s easy to buckle under the pressure and reach for something zingy, fizzy and sugary.

But when the tantrum’s over, if you’re left worrying your kids’ growing bodies aren’t getting enough water, well, worry no more. We’ve put together a how-to of sorts to keep you updated on how much water your little one requires each day, and the easiest ways to make sure they actually drink it. Squeeze of lime anyone? How about a thumb of ginger?

The best part is, they won’t even realise it’s good for them.

How do you get your kids to drink water?

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Top Comments

Guestte 9 years ago

Remember when a can of soft drink was a treat? At my local shops the other day, I observed three 11-year-olds sitting outside the take-away, each with a 1.5 litre bottle of Coke that they had bought from the supermarket and were swigging. Very confronting!

Peppa 9 years ago

My daughter only drinks water or milk. At a birthday party or other special occasion she can have one cup of 1/4 juice mixed with 3/4 water. One cup only. Don't give them soft drink and they won't crave it. Simple really.