
Two girls fight. One gets hit by a shovel. Video goes viral.





It’s a sad day for social media when a video of two teenage girls fighting goes viral, one apparently ‘dies’ and the other becomes an instant online sensation.

(We think we prefer cats.)

This video of the two 16-year-old girls fighting has gone viral after reports that one of them died after being hit in the head with a shovel.

The video shows what appears to be an organised fight between two 16-year-old girls in the US, Miranda Fugate and Emily Powers.

The girls kick and punch at each other before things turn nasty.

About six minutes in, Emily Powers races to get a shovel from her garden (after first threatening to get a BB gun) and throws it at the other teenager’s head.

What has escalated this from just another pointless act of teenage girls acting out for social media fame has been the fake claims of the death of one of the girls.

Hours after the incident, a fake article was published to, which is a self-described “satire” website.

It claimed:

“Miranda Fugate Lockwood died of serious head injuries after being hit with a shovel in the head by an old friend of hers named Emily Powers. The whole thing was caught on video and posted all over the internet and generated around 500,000 video views in just two days… In the video, the two girls begin fist fighting outside Emily’s house for a few seconds before Emily threatened to go inside her house and bring out an air soft gun which shoots plastic BB’s, when Miranda suddenly charged at Emily, Emily grabbed a nearby shovel and “cracked” Miranda in the dome.”

Despite its obvious tone of sarcasm and the whopping big disclaimer down the bottom that it was not ‘real news’, the internet took the whole thing seriously with #RIPMiranda trending on twitter.

“Wow that girl actually died,” tweeted one.

Another: “We all going to hell for laughing at the shovel girl.”



ShovelFightGirl is now an internet sensation… with the girl herself taking to Twitter to proclaim herself alive.

“I’M THE GIRL that got hit in the head with the shovel lol… I’m not dead.. Idk why there’s rumors saying I am.”

And being the internet, there are now numerous Shovel Girl parodies, including this Vine one which re-cut the original video to Kendrick Lamar’s 2012 song M.A.A.D. City.




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Top Comments

Ari 10 years ago

I'm not sure I'm cool with this being considered actual news. Two young women lacked the mental capacity to restrain themselves and discuss their issues like adults, so they decided to settle it with physical violence. Fisticuffs is a time honoured tradition for "sort in' shit out". Then someone brings in a large garden implement as a weapon. This is ridiculous, bogan trash and it's also assault with a weapon.

I wouldn't bother with police, but these things go away on their own and are handled much better when the parties involved don't get the celebrity status of having otherwise reputable news sites feature it and skyrocket the youtube views. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Natasha Watson 10 years ago

Another 'Chk-Chk Boom' girl