
The one-line pitch that had the Shark Tank judges in fits of laughter.


Yes, well.

I think we can all agree that there’s been something missing from our lives.

For years we’ve been walking around, going about our business, and our ears have just been sitting there… naked.


Definitely not covered in condom-like material.

It’s pretty horrifying if you really think about it.

Thankfully a brave soul named Rachel has come along to save us from our bleak ear-condomless reality.

You see, Rachel realised there are times in our lives when we definitely need tiny condoms on our ears… like when we get our hair coloured and when…


Oh yes, that be the only time.

Anywho, Rachel sank $80,000 into this idea, flew to China and got a handful of tiny ear condoms made, and then somehow got herself cast on Shark Tank.

On Tuesday night’s episode she finally saw her dream realised. She got to stand in front of the sharks and pitch them the idea that was definitely going to revolutionise the ear clothing industry as we know it.

This is what she said:

“Earsox protect you from dye water and chemicals running into your ear canals.”

That was it.

That was the whole pitch.

The Sharks broke into fits of laughter before thanking Rachel for her very succinct pitch.

They then explained to her that no, tiny ear condoms are probably not a thing that people need and no, they were not prepared to invest in them.

And Rachel, well, she was quite chuffed actually.

The 10 ear condoms that she spent $80,000 on got five minutes of air time on national telly… on a weeknight… and Janine Allis was there.

And Rachel knows, deep down inside herself, it’s only a matter of time until we all see the error of our ways.


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Top Comments

Yep 6 years ago

I like the idea, and the pitch, I hate getting dye water in my ears! I’d wear an ear condom before I’d eat a donug!!

Rachel Dorig 6 years ago

Thank you so much for your lovely comment and understanding of my idea <3 Made my day. Great to see we got some smart The material of my EarSox is polyurethane without any animal products or by-products and therefore a Vegan product that I'm really proud of. Very comfy to wear and much easier to put on your ears as they made out by the Sharks on TV…hahahaha. As I said, you gotta love much fun.
I did spark interest at a International Hairdresser Company. I have met them and am in contact with them.

Although, we agreed that I’m the world’s worst Public Speaker... lol, they are wonderful people and they too see what I see - also in the Health sector (grommets etc.)

I really had massive fun, especially behind the scenery with the TV Crew...fantastic people! So I had a fantastic experience overall. It's quite overwhelming, when standing in front of the Sharks though – and it was worth all the time and effort.

Of course I would have loooooved to have had the chance to work with Naomi but it's also about the journey - right? I felt quite successful just to make it to the Sharks!

Anyhow, lovely human, thank you again for your positive comment. I wish you a massive win in the lottery. Have a lovely time. Rachel :)

Rush 6 years ago

I get where she's coming from. I hate when the hairdresser squirts water in my ears - but not enough to use ear condoms, sorry!

Rachel Dorig 6 years ago

Also a big thank you for your lovely comment Rush! You got it! I have a friend, Phyllis, every time, when she gets water in her ears, she get an infection. And she is using a few sample EarSox and treasures them wisely til we get them manufactured :) They are not condoms - just a very similar process - that's all. Have a fantastic time and I hope when you see one day EarSox in the shelves at a Supermarket it brings a smile on your face :) Cheers, Rachel