
A 'sexy' huntress wants to take you on a tour of her freezer.

Warning: This post may disturb… everyone.

An American huntress and TV host, Larysa Switlyk, recently teamed up with a woman known as the “sexy hunter” (her real name is Michaela Fialova)

Together Switlyk, 30, and Fialova, 27, travelled around Europe shooting things and posting the pics on social media.

Like this one of the pair with the body of a roe deer they’d hunted and then skinned.


Another highlight of their trip was killing a wild boar.

Understandably, the non-hunting types weren’t happy about the photos.

Nor have they been happy about Fiavola’s previous trips to Africa.

A petition of 25,000 signatures trying to ban Michaela Fialova from Africa has previously circulated the internet after she released a photo of herself with and endangered African lion she’d killed.

It reads:

It’s despicable and repulsive to glorify trophy hunting and sadistic practices such as bow hunting and posing with dead bodies of animals as if hunting is an appealing and desirable thing to do. Killing animals for fun is just plain wrong and must be stopped.

Image: Twitter

In response to the hate she received online, Fialova has released a video claiming that she is more responsible than anti-hunters, because she eats animals that have lived rich lives, as opposed to those in slaughterhouses.

She even takes viewers for a daunting tour of her freezer.

And well, if you weren’t disturbed by the photos…



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Top Comments

Bede 9 years ago

What a fantastic step forward for women's liberation and equality! It's so nice to see young women empowered enough to shrug off the constraints of traditional notions of passive femininity. Give the middle finger to all those who try to keep you in the 50's. You go girls!

gue3st 9 years ago

As long as it's not endangered and not done with unreasonable cruelty - no worse than a slaughterhouse which seems to be our society's benchmark for acceptable animal death - then I don't have a problem. And, like it or not, many of these species have little economic value if people don't pay to hunt them so hunting can increase their numbers not decrease them. If you are an African peasant with an AK47 in your house and a lion takes your cattle or an elephants raids your crops, what are you going to do to avoid your family starving? Does your decision change if by not killing the animal you can get a year's wage from a wealthy westerner doing the shooting instead? If Africans themselves want to outlaw hunting good luck to them, wealthy white people who aren't struggling making decisions on their behalf leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
And if you are concerned about violence against women as opposed to animals, check out the comments in the petition to ban these women from Africa (not sure how this would work - it's a continent rather than a single country), some truly disturbing stuff there and I'm sure much of it is due to women rather than men wanting to hunt.