
Selfies at serious places: the latest selfie craze.


Duck face. Peace and pout. The ‘I’m winking at myself  in the mirror because I’m a babe’ selfie.

Just when you think the selfie epidemic couldn’t become ANY worse (and yes, the term ‘selfie’ has officially been added to the online Oxford dictionary), there comes a new type.

The ‘I’m visiting a place of historical importance or tragedy’ selfie. Don’t believe us? There’s a whole tumblr dedicated to people taking photos of themselves at places of serious events.

From Grandma’s funeral to gas chambers in Auschwitz, it appears no place is selfie safe anymore. I mean, who doesn’t visit the 9/11 site, smile for the camera and hashtag it #hungover? Of course. 

Check out more of the awkward pics at

What’s your take on this latest selfies at serious places craze? Disturbing, disrespectful or just cringeworthy? 

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Anon 2 11 years ago

Most of the selfies above seemed to be taken by young dumb kids no older than about 18. What the hell are we doing handing our world over to these self absorbed selfish arrogant people?

Carolyn RJ 11 years ago

"LO! Behold!! Me Me Me ME!! Everyone, PLEASE NOTICE ME!! I'm SO insecure that I require constant re-assurance and validation, and every single one of my actions, movements and activities must be shared with the rest of the world. Appropriate or not - I don't care, it's all about ME!!"

They can dress it up all they like, but this is not "honouring" those to whom such memorials and sites are dedicated. Places such as the Twin Towers memorial, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and funerals are places for reflection and remembrance - not 'Kodak moments' with your thumbs up.

Anyway, that's how I'm interpreting the behaviour of those who simply have to take selfies of everything they do, at every available opportunity and everywhere they go - regardless of the sensibilities of those around them.

Truth be told, some of these people are probably not that interesting, but due to the constant promotion of "self-esteem", being raised in a lackadaisical manner with the disappearing concept of respect for others, and the individualisation of a "me first" society, we're only going to experience more of such examples of narcissistic, self-indulgent, thoughtless behaviour.

agreed 11 years ago

Well said Carolyn. Can society be dumbed down any further? Respect and thoughtfulness has gone out the window and desperate attention seeking and the quest for constant validation is endemic. Sad.

Carolyn RJ 11 years ago

Thanks 'agreed'. Sometimes I wonder if the selfie-addicts are in fact BBC's 'The Goodies' in disguise: "Anything Anytime (Anywhere)".

No offence to Tim, Graeme and Bill!.