
This is what 50 looks like.

When you think of Carrie Bradshaw, what age comes to mind? Mid thirties? 40?

For most of us, Sex & The City’s leading lady will forever be frozen like this:

Or this:

But the actress who portrayed Carrie is, of course, Sarah Jessica Parker;  a human woman who is not frozen in time. And it may surprise you to learn that she actually turned 50 today.

And when you think about her real life as a 50 year old woman, it's almost unthinkably different to that of a 50 year old woman a generation ago.

Like so many women in their 50s, she is at the peak of her power. She has a young family including twin daughters who are aged 6. She has a multitude of business deals where she designs, creates and endorses everything from shoes to fragrances.

She remains a leading actress in films and is in high demand to star in new TV projects.

In short, she is kicking arse.

So happy birthday SJP. In honour of you turning 50, we would like to celebrate our favourite Sarah Jessica Parker moments:

The time she showed everyone how to groove in Girls Just Wanna Have fun:

The time she made it appropriate for a woman over 30 to wear a tutu:

And yes, this image was taken 17 years ago.


When she starred alongside Bette Midler in Hocus Pocus and inspired millions of dress up costumes:

The time she dated Robert Downey Jnr:

Okay - maybe not one of our favourite moments - but who doesn't love flashbacks?

The time she became a postergirl for every Health magazine in the 90's via LA Story:


She's married to everyone's favourite 80's actor Ferris Bueller Matthew Broderick:

And they have three lovely children James, 13, and twins Tabitha and Marion, 6.

Almost every moment in Sex and the City. But mainly:


The fact that she is extremley intelligent.

As documented in this interview with Alec Baldwin on his podcast Here's the thing. If you have a spare second - have a listen:

What's your favourite SJP moment? 

Suprised that SJP is 50? Here are some other fabulous people who are:


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