
Sarah Harris is trying for a baby.

She’s not keeping mum about it either.

Studio 10 host, Sarah Harris is trying for a baby. The TV host is refreshingly and honestly open about the fact that she is ready to have a baby and hopes to fall pregnant very soon.

Speaking to the  Herald Sun she says, “I guess you could say we are trying — although I am sure that conjures up some pretty unfortunate images for people.”

Harris, 33, discussed her age and the likelihood of falling pregnant. Like many women balancing work and family, Harris has been trying not to fall pregnant up until now.  But she says that she won’t be putting pressure on herself – she’s hoping staying relaxed will help make it happen.

Harris says her husband, Tom Ward (who she married in 2014) is ready to be a father soon. “My husband is from a big family so he is chomping at the bit for a baby,” she told the Herald Sun. “He’s not one of these people who picks up a baby and puts it straight down. He’s fabulous with them.”

As for herself, “first and foremost my concern will be about the baby and what I can do to make sure they grow up to be resilient and a person who makes a difference,” she told the Herald Sun. “I am not so concerned about whether I have rock-hard abs six weeks after I give birth. Not that I have a problem with women who do want to do that."

The hopeful mother-to-be says that we need to stop shaming mothers and their choices.

After getting married last year, Harris said she has gotten most of the pressure to fall pregnant from the Studio 10 audience. She explained that some days people ask if she's pregnant if she's wearing a certain outfit. Harris is ok with it though - she understands how familiar she is to many who watch her every day.

“People just want you to be happy and they’re interested," she told the Herald Sun.

It's an exciting time for Sarah Harris. We wish her the best of luck and hope to hear some exciting baby news soon.

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