
A boy told his classmates that Santa wasn’t real. Now, his mum might be sued.

When kids first discover that Santa does not exist, their first instinct is often to tell their friends. But when a little boy in the US did just that, his little friends’ parents weren’t impressed – and now, they are threatening to sue his mum.

Yes, seriously.

Within days of her Year 1 son “ruining Christmas“, the mum received a letter from a law firm outlining the parents’ intention to sue her for “emotional damage, flagrant disregard to parental rights, and facilitating the loss of innocence of child wonderment”.

The boy's distressed mum took to Reddit to share her story.

She described how the parents (who she describes as "know it all, PTA, suburban Stepford Wives") demand that her son stay away from the children he apparently "traumatised".

But wait - it gets worse. Just have a read:

Here is the icing on the cake, in lieu of suit: the letter states that I need to pay for a fully interactive “Santa Experience” whereby a hired Santa will be hosted at one of the kids houses for a “Santa Experience” where he hands out presents (at my expense), sings songs with all eight kids and offers general Christmas cheer. The purpose of this is to "reverse the damage my son caused and re-spark the child like wonderment that surrounds the holidays."

The single mother writes that she can't afford a lawyer or to pay for a fully interactive "Santa Experience".

We're speechless - and we just hope the other parents have enough sense to grow up and leave this family alone.

Has your child discovered that Santa isn't real yet? How did you handle it?

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