
Russell Brand wants grown ups to stop colouring in and actually fix their problems.

Look, he might have a point.

Earlier this year, the two top-selling books on Amazon weren’t literary triumphs, they were colouring books.

Hailed for their health benefits, the books are supposed to be an easy way to de-stress and de-clutter your brain — and they’re bloody popular.

If you don’t own one, you’ve probably seen them around at least… they look like this:

But let’s be honest, have we all drunk the colouring book Kool-Aid?

Russell Brand certainly thinks so. According to the comedian, the adult colouring fad may actually just be the final portent of the impending apocalypse.

“The best-selling books in the world are no longer bibles, Qurans or interesting scientific introspective on the workings of anatomy and the universe, they’re colouring books,” he begins a video posted to his Youtube account.

“What has turned us into terrified divs that want to live in childish stupors?”

The rant that follows is interspersed with footage from an American news program about the phenomenon, which Brand gleefully picks apart as he argues that perhaps the popularity of the books stems more from mindlessness than mindfulness.

“You can’t just retreat into childhood and hope that the adult problems of the world will disappear. I mean this is an apocalyptic end of days item that adults are so terrified, so mentally ill and frustrated that they’re gonna regress to a second childhood, rather than face up to the very adult problems that we have of approaching Armageddon , ecological meltdown, sort of an all encompassing, near total inequality, breakdown of the state… Okay it’s all gonna be fine,” he says, grabbing a piece of paper and pretending to colour.

“It’s almost as if adults have been hypnotised into a state of perpetual fear. What could be doing that?”

You can watch the full video here.

Sadly, it might make you rethink your new hobby a little.


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Top Comments

Suzanne Scott 8 years ago

Dear Russell, please stop meditating and solve the problems of the world now. hugs

pippy79 9 years ago

Russ - I think that you're great, I've read all of your books, have amazing tickets to your upcoming show in Perth and I watched Sarah Marshall last night. I agree with fifty percent of your opinions but never have I disagreed enough to post anything on the world wide web.
I colour with my children.
I colour while I'm contemplating how to improve my life.
How is it different Russell, from any other sort of wind down activity?
Unwinding is important to me Russell. I save many lives each day unless I'm sick and need to stay on bed or recuperate in the sunshine.
X x Lisa
P.S After your show, if you don't actually shag my friend like she says you will, we could colour (is ok if you press too hard on the end)