
This confirms it. No one will ever work as hard as Roxy Jackenko.

Nose job? What nose job?

When you’re Australia’s PR queen, you don’t let a little thing like an infection following rhinoplasty slow you down.

The nose alone has the power to generate headline after headline. It’s probably got its own Instagram account by now.

And that’s no mistake: the woman attached to the nose, Roxy Jacenko, 35, has got to be the hardest working woman in PR or Australia or just ever.

The tireless self-promoter underwent surgery to downsize her aquiline nose recently, a process documented faithfully on social media.

But the woman who famously went back to work an hour after giving birth didn’t take the recommended bed-rest, and now she’s paying the price.

“I was meant to be flat on my back or at a 45-degree angle for two weeks, but I had to go back to work and that’s why my swelling is much worse than it’s meant to be,” Jacenko told the Daily Mail.

Her Instagram feed reveals outings to Vivid, the hairdresser, the office and a film premiere, all attended with nose bandage in place.

We have no idea what it feels like to have an infected schnoz, but it can’t be pleasant.

Jacenko was rushed to hospital on the weekend where the infection was diagnosed and underwent emergency surgery.

Roxy Jacenko and her Instagram-famous kids… Post continues after gallery.

Roxy Jacenko and Pixie Curtis at Inside Out premiere.

Yet, undeterred, Jacenko took leave of her hospital bed, where she’s been receiving intravenous antibiotics, for two hours yesterday to appear at the conference she organised.

There were 620 ticket holders at the Intercontinental Double Bay in Sydney to listen to Jacenko talk about brand-building at her In Conversation with Roxy Jacenko seminar.

“My face is actually double the size of what it is but the makeup artist has done the most amazing job of contouring beyond words,”  she told the Mail.

Following her talk and the obligatory selfies with fans, Jacenko returned to her hospital bed, presumably with her laptop close at hand.

More on Roxy, her nose, her Instagram feed and her kids?

Which celebrity mum has given her 24-day-old baby an Instagram account?

Roxy Jacenko’s new nose walked the red carpet last night.

Roxy Jacenko’s Sydney home just sold for $8 million. And we have all the photos.

We never thought we’d say this, but today, we wish Roxy was our boss.

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Top Comments

guest 9 years ago

Love her or hate her, she made an effort to stick to a work commitment (that she felt was important) after surgery because she obviously felt (within herself) that she could do it. No big issue, apart from teh fact that the doctors warned her against it. The big issue is the constant postings on social media to say, "look at me, look how hard I work, look how dedicated I am, I better than everyone else because nothing stops me from getting things done". Whooppee, good for her *eyeroll*

I had a full thyroidectomy last August due to cancer and I was told by everyone that I'll need to take 3 weeks off work minimum. Well, I manage a small business. I'm no one important, I don't save any lives. But taking any length of time off work is a big problem in my job. I wear a lot of hats, as do a lot of other small business managers. Small business don't have the funds to hire the many different people it takes to get everything done, that's why we can sometimes be a "jack/jill or all trades (not always master of any of them) ;)

I had my surgery on Tuesday. Went home on Wednesday afternoon after begging doctor that I would rest better at home (which was true). I dropped in on a family lunch at my parents home on Saturday (because I was already getting cabin fever being stuck at home), and back at work early Monday morning, against doctors advice. I did feel good though, just a little weak but wanted to get some stuff sorted. I did end up overdoing it and had to have the next day off because I just "hit a wall" energy wise, but was back to work Wednesday in a more sensible reduced-hours sort of way -- oh, and someone else had to answer the phone because I didn't have much of a voice LOL My point is (and sorry for taking the long way round) ... you do what you comfortable with.

This is a bit like everyone freaking about the pregnant personal trainer lifting weights. You can do what you already do when you get pregnant, as long as you don't overdo it (unless of course you have a high risk pregnancy, in which case, there's plenty you won't be able to do). Everyone needs to calm down. She made a choice to do what she was comfortable with (which was go to work) - and while it may not seem to be the right choice, she's the one that lives with the consequences if it goes pear shaped. We all have choices and we all make decisions on how we are feeling withing ourselves.

I just wish people would get off the social media and stop talking about how wonderful they are - it's annoying. I can tell you right now that 95% of my social media contacts still don't know I had my thyroid out, or that I had cancer. I'm not ashamed of it, I just don't believe in advertising and whinging about your misfortune to the entire world. nor did I want a pity party or the constant "are you ok", "are you ok"? questions. People need to realise that you don't HAVE to share anything.

[disclaimer: I know I shared everything now, but I was trying to make a point ;)]

Zepgirl 9 years ago

I'm less concerned about the over sharing on social media than the exploitation of her children, to be honest.

guest 9 years ago

That's another good point for sure!

MySharona 9 years ago

Pleasssssse Mamamia, I beg of you! Take the same stance as you did with Gabi Grecko and stop-stop-stop talking about this woman!