
Rosie Waterland comes out as bisexual.

Sometimes you’ve just got to come out and say something. Sometimes you don’t want to keep quiet anymore. And sometimes what prompts you to speak out isn’t what you thought it would be. For Rosie Waterland, award-winning author of the best-selling Anti-Cool Girl, writer, comedian, performer, podcast host and beloved member of the Mamamia family, the time was unexpectedly right this week and she decided to come out as bisexual.

Rosie Waterland recently starred in Mamamia’s ‘In The Lift With…’ series. Post continues after video…

In a Facebook post on Tuesday night she wrote to her 120,000 followers:

“Hey you guys.

So, I’m bisexual. I never intended on officially coming out, but 2016 has been such a bizarre, heartbreaking year for me in so many ways (and everyone else really), and I just feel like I don’t want to start 2017 without putting that little fact on the table. My best friend Tony knew, and he encouraged me to be open about it, and since he died in July, I’ve been waiting for the right moment to say something. And I just figured, why not right now? It’s 8pm on a Tuesday, I just finished dinner, I’m sitting on my bed watching TV, and this inconsequential moment feels perfect to reveal something that is not really a big deal to me. It’s what Tony would have wanted, it’s what I want, and it’s who I am. So that’s that. Much love xoxox”


Speaking exclusively to Mamamia (via a whatsapp conversation with me while my family watched The Big Bash - BTW she gave her blessing for this post to run so no confidences are being broken), Rosie said the combination of thinking about what Tony would want for her and reading about how George Michael had struggled with his 'secret' for so long before coming out, she felt the time was right.

The response from her legion of fans and followers was immediate and delightful.


From offers of dates to shy confessions of girl-crushes, from "so what?" (in the best way) to spontaneous George Michael quotes and tributes, it was a unanimous display of open arms, minds and hearts. Rosie was enveloped with the Internet love that has greeted pretty much everything she has done since well before her book was released and which has helped hold her up since Tony's death earlier this year.

Happy Coming Out Day, gorgeous girl. The world is yours. Tony is beaming.



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