
The names you can't call your children





There’s just no Justice in the world. Certainly not in New Zealand and definitely not if  you’re trying to call your child Justice.

That ‘name’ topped a list of the most rejected kids’ names in New Zealand over the past decade. The Government there has had its hands full trying to rein in parents prone to a smidge of hyperbole when naming their children.

The top ten list of rejected names had a heavy royal theme to it, which may or may not speak of the aspirations those mums and dads had for their kids.

The New Zealand website reported:

Mafia No Fear, Anal, V8, single letters, the Roman numerals I, II, III, punctuation symbols * . and / and titles such as President, Emperor, Chief, Constable, Sargent and General were also rejected.

Internal Affairs Department deputy registrar-general Ross McPherson said no names were banned, but they did have to fall within the bounds of the law.

“In general terms, people can register whatever names they like for their children. However, some rules do apply.”

Names could not be more than 100 characters, use an unearned title, or be offensive to the general public, he said.

Names also had to be actual words, not numbers or symbols.


Wonder what the land of the Long White Cloud might have made of Beyonce and Jay Z’s name for their newborn daughter – Blue IV Carter. Or Ivy Blue Carter. Or Blue Ivy Carter. There’s still a bit of debate around that one.

Check out some other celebrity names that have been used in the past

What do you make of those rules, sensible enough? Or should parents be free to be as, err, diverse as they want?

Top Comments

Kaii 12 years ago

Although my name isn't Moon Unit, I get asked by almost all the new people I introduce myself to, where my parents came up with the name 'Kaii' (pronounced Kye), more so because it is predominantly a male name, and rarely seen spelt with 2 i's. Sometimes it's diffucult because I will go through life having to spell it for everyone (huge pain in the butt trying to spell it over the phone - once received a receipt with karrttii written on it, the guy obviosuly gave up trying to correct it after several failed spelling attempts).

I do agree there are some who take the unconventional name a little far though!

Erin 12 years ago

I have a Digby :) he is 7 1/2 and people thought it a little odd but now he wouldn't be anything else (we have twins judd & beau-6 and Fox 7 months as well)

Kath 12 years ago

If I have a 3rd son he will be Judd. You have cool names for your boys.