
Rebel Wilson has a strict "No Kardashians" policy.

“They’re not famous for talent.”

Like more than a few other celebrities before her, Rebel Wilson took aim at the Kardashians for their lack of “talent” yesterday.

Speaking to Kyle and Jackie O on KiisFMthe 35-year-old Australian actress said that she turned down an offer to present with the two youngest in the family, Kendall and Kylie Jenner.

Wilson said, “I got asked to present with Kendall and Kylie at the recent VMAs and said ‘no’. It’s not that you hate any of them individually, but it’s just that everything they stand for is against everything I stand for. And they’re not famous for talent. I worked really hard to get where I’ve gotten to.”

Jackie O (a Kardashian fan from way back), was non-plussed. She replied, “but why would they team you with Kendall and Kylie? That seems random.”

To which Wilson replied, “I think if I was going to dress up as Kim Kardashian if I did it.”

Wilson added, “I mean how Kim Kardashian got famous from the sex tape and I just went to acting school and worked really hard.”

Although her interview is being discussed around the world, this isn’t the first time Wilson has taken a dig at the Kardashians.

Speaking to Kyle and Jackie O on Kiis FM in January, she said the Kardashians would “do anyone” and that while they’re into looks, she tries to “develop my skills.”


The Kardashians are easy targets, we get that.

We just wish that everyone could get along though.

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Top Comments

ellaa 9 years ago

Seriously bitchy of Rebel, full of herself much?

Actually, they do have talent and plenty of business smarts. Clearly, or else they wouldn't be where they are and have stayed there! You don't need to be a fan of them (I'm not), or even like them to be able to see that.

Also, as an example, Kendall Jenner has had to fight harder to gain respect in the modelling industry because she's a 'Kardashian' and in reality TV. In a photo a friend of mine posted that included her, Kendall, and several other models and every comment consisted of "what is the ugly $#@!! doing there" "fashion royalty shouldn't stand with hoes" "get rid of the trashian" and they got worse. But it's ok to tear others down if they're associated with the Kardashian family?

So to Rebel, how about instead of tearing other successful women down, you bring them up? It makes you look bad, and you should know that it's hard enough as females in the industry...

Kimbo 9 years ago

Oh come on - we don't have to make this a 'feminist' thing...."it's hard enough as females in the industry". Rebel worked her butt off - the Kardashian/Jenners got a massive kick start from their millionaire parents to gain their success (no-one is denying they are successful - we all know they run a brilliant business). I think this is a 'give respect where respect is earned' not handed to you on a silver platter!!

Alice O 9 years ago

Well, in fact, it is a feminist issue. Which is exactly why I disagree with Ellaa. Feminism doesn't mean blindly supporting every woman - and it particularly does not mean supporting women whose entire lives basically are contrary to the aim of feminism!!

Kimbo 9 years ago

Yes Alice O I will give you that one!!

A fan 9 years ago

I am sick of everyone saying the Kardashians are famous for nothing. Lots of people become famous for not very much when they start out (Paris Hilton, Elizabeth Hurley, Rebecca Judd, Sarah from Big Brother come to mind). The Kardashians might have started from "nothing" but they have turned that nothing into a multimillion dollar business that is far from "nothing". There are plenty of people who have not been able to take their 15 minutes of fame and turn it into something enormous.
You don't need to be a Kardashian fan to appreciate their business ingenuity. This takes hard work, strategy and the fact that they are engaging and entertaining.

ellaa 9 years ago

Exactly! Rebel's attack on the Kardashian-Jenners is not cool at all.

Kimbo 9 years ago

But they didn't 'start from nothing' they started with millionaire parents and got into 'the business' the easy way - Rebel is saying (and rightfully so) she worked her butt off to get where she is!!

Anon 9 years ago

I genuinely want to know what it is about them you find "engaging and entertaining". Donald Trump built a multi billion dollar business from nothing do you follow his daily activities too?