
Best and worst of the week (Feb 10)

And here we are again, on the tail end of the week and taking the time to look back and see how it all went.

The bests, the worsts, the I’m-not-exactly-sure-how-to-classify-that-yets.

It’s also a Mamamia staple where you get to see our community in action. Supportive, reflective, helpful. So leave a comment if you’re so inclined and check in on our other readers. You might be pleasantly surprised.

As for me, I’ve been sinking my teeth into some splendid mediocrity this week. By that, I mean I’ve done nothing out of the ordinary which – to someone who adores routine – is a wonderful thing.

Best: Our intrepid Associate Editor and eBook publishing maestro Rebecca Sparrow had her baby! I’m totally not a baby person usually but knowing Bec and knowing how much this little fella meant to her and then seeing him right there beside her made me very happy and goosebumpy. But everyone else thinks I have a hardened heart so, in order to keep that rumour going, we will never speak of this again.

My other best is somewhat unremarkable. I finally got my writing mojo back this week. I’ve been working on my own super-happy-mega-fun-time writing project in the after hours of my, you know, day job. Which for a small part of last year went really well and then I started a chapter which I didn’t like and rather than do what a normal person would do, like FIX IT, I just stopped opening the file and left it mostly untouched for three months and then whined about how terrible my life was in coffee shops while my friends looked at their watches. But all that is GONE now because I had a little spark of inspiration after I begged for it and what do you know, I’m writing again!

Worst: I mentioned this before but it bears repeating: I have so much on in the next two months. SO much. And I shall reveal a little bit of science for us all now: things cost money. Boo. I’m about as good at budgeting as Greece is at the moment, so we’ll see how that works out.

Anyhow, enough about me. That’s not why we’re here.

How are you going? What’s on your mind, what are the bests and worsts of your week?

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happy in tas 12 years ago

omm and hoping for some advice......

our little boy (11 weeks) has been diagnosed as lactose intolerance (from birth but only recently tested and confirmed). i have been advised by the pediatrician to add lacteeze drops to his milk to help his system deal with the lactose in my breast milk. this seems to be working so far (only 2 days in!) but the process of doing this is a little inconvenient. basically before every feed i have to hand express 2-3 tablespoons worth of breast milk into a sterile bottle, add the drops, wait five minutes, feed him this and then continue with a breast feed as normal.

as you can imagine it's okay when i'm at home (although it sucks to have to steralise all of those bottles and i have to admit i don't rock at hand expressing!) but out and about it's a bit of a nightmare. if there are no alternatives obviously i'll stick it out but does anyone know of, or have experience with this issue and therefore can offer alternative solutions?


rainbow 12 years ago

can you not just drop it directly into his mouth? not before his feed but between sides maybe? or is there a reason to wait five minutes? have you tried calling the ABA line, they might have a better idea.


happy in tas 12 years ago

i rang the lacteeze help line because i thought the same but it has to be in the milk because of the ph level...all the benefit of it would be destroyed on the tongue and in stomach before it made it to the gut if i just drop it in directly.

someone could make a fortune inventing an easier alternative i swear!!

happy in tas 12 years ago

sorry that was rude of me, thanks heaps for your suggestion though rainbow! :) x

rainbow 12 years ago

not at all! i thought there must be some reason for it to be so fiddly. can you pre-prepare it for when you go out, or does it have to be given straight away?

i would be tempted to just miss it when you are out at the shops for example but do it every other time... but i am not sure how bad his symptoms would be if you did that.


smashleigh 12 years ago

best: yesterday was my 24th birthday and i had a really good day, considering i had to work. to celebrate - on my way to dinner with the bf and he detours to the beach, sits me down, gets on one knee and proposes! I was not expecting it at all (even though we always talk about getting married). a birthday to remember!
worst: my ring is too big =( so have been wearing it with paper towel wedged under it :S, so i can show my friends and family tonight.
worst 2: go away rain!