
3 things you can protect your kids from and 3 things you just need to let go.

Parenting demands so much more of us than all those “so, you’re expecting” books ever let on. It demands that we not only navigate those early years, with all the challenges they throw at us, but we then learn to let go and send this little person we have tended to so, so much, out there, into the big, wide world. The older they get, the more they will face, and the less we can be there to intervene, make choices for them; prevent mishaps, heartaches and worse.

So much of parenting is therefore about letting go and trusting – preparing your kids with the tools they need to not only cope out there, but also to thrive.

These are the things, no matter how hard you want to, you simply can’t protect them from (and three things you just need to let go).

1. You can't watch them all the time.

This is just a reality. As children gain independence they will spend more and more time away from your prying eyes, as the balance in their interests shifts from you to their all-important friends and peers. Even in your own home, you simply can’t always be there anymore to know exactly what they’re up to.

BUT, you can help them stay safe on online.

The world our children are growing up in has been totally transformed by the digital revolution. Children are the greatest beneficiaries of the digital era and are learning to navigate the online world at a younger age than ever before. But exploring this world is not without risk.

With 90% of kids using the internet daily, an alarming 1 in 4 of them experience cyber-bullying. And 87% of parents are worried about their kids online.

The Alannah and Madeline Foundation has created the eSmart Digital Licence, an educational tool developed by cybersafety experts, technologists and teachers to keep children smart, safe and responsible online. The Digital Licence is a fun, interactive and engaging activity that you can do together, or have them complete before giving them a device or allowing them to spend more time online.

2. You can't protect them from failure.

As much as we wince at the thought of any hurt, any injustice or setback that our child might have to overcome, we know we can’t prevent it. We know that’s the world we must all live in, and what’s more important is that we teach our kids resilience. We must show them how to pick themselves up, move on, and keep trying their best.

BUT, you can set them up for success.

It’s important that we teach our kids that mistakes are not something to fear or be ashamed of. Mistakes are part of being human, and learning from them can often open us up to new things we wouldn’t have otherwise accessed.

It’s also important we role model coping with disappointments ourselves, so we can show our kids that the hurdles and challenges that will inevitably happen in life are manageable.

3. You can't protect them from getting sick.

Ah, the bugs and viruses children seem to swap with each other like treasured collectables. It never ends! We certainly can’t prevent illness in our homes, but we can be there for our kids when they are unwell, and do our best to ensure we extend the healthy periods in between to the maximum degree possible.

BUT, you can help your kids make healthy choices.

Open up your pantry. Go on, no-one’s looking… If the array of food offerings is a little bit skewed to the processed food end, it might be a good time to reassess your snack supplies. Snacks are the go-to food for hungry kids, especially when they’re back in the routine of school and activities, so if you can ensure your snack options are mostly healthy, you’re on track.

It’s easier to control their breakfasts, lunches and dinners, as this is often food you prepare, but helping them by limiting low-nutrient snack options can make a big difference in your child’s overall health.

You can’t protect them all the time, but you can equip them with the tools they need to protect themselves.

How do you protect your child?

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