
'My partner had his proposal all planned out. But it was crashed by complete strangers.'

For me, it was The Frenchies who ruined my proposal.

At the time, I didn’t know my fun-loving French friends just stuffed up my partner’s perfect pop-the-question spot. But apparently, they did.

We were in Santorini, sipping Veuve on the balcony of our apartment and soaking up the magnificent view.

We were on the holiday of a lifetime which was about to wrap-up. I had no idea my partner Iain had something extra in his hand luggage, an engagement ring and a plan to propose in Santorini on our balcony.

He’d carted this bling around for the last three weeks and brewed this plan for months.

The moment had arrived (much to his relief) and we were casually sipping champagne on the balcony and only just saying how perfect the holiday had been.

Just as he was about to get down on one knee, The Frenchies next door came home. We’d made friends with our neighbours who didn’t speak a lick of English. We didn’t speak French either so we seemed to communicate via sign language and facial expressions. It was working, they were a hoot.

So much of a hoot that they spotted us on the shared balcony and thought they’d park up right next to us and have a drink too.

I thought ‘how fun’! Meantime another word starting with ‘F’ crossed Iain’s mind.


He soon lured me away to “the perfect spot for photos” and took my breath away while I’m busy doing my best Instagram pose and he was bending down on one knee.

It ended up being a magical proposal – despite the original plan being foiled by The Frenchies

Turns out other proposals have been ruined too…

Wayne says it was his fiancée-to-be who ruined her own proposal in Las Vegas. “She was so upset that I hadn’t asked her to marry me yet on our holiday, she almost wouldn’t come out to dinner with me. I convinced her to come to dinner, she barely spoke to me, then to the Bellagio fountain so I could ask her to marry me. I had planned to do it this whole time, she was just too impatient.”

Sylvia blames the salmon for her proposal nightmare. “He proposed at dinner, in front of others which mortified me but it was beautiful and I said yes. My only regret is that I had the salmon on the menu which instantly didn’t sit well with me. I spent the rest of the night in the restaurant bathroom! So much for a celebration.”

Amanda accidentally found the ring in the shed, blowing her own proposal. “I was looking for a screwdriver in his tool kit and came across the ring. I felt so bad I closed the kit immediately and went back upstairs. It then took him four weeks to propose, which were the longest four weeks of my life! After I’d seen the ring I just wanted to wear it.”

Kristen Henry is one half of The Kristen and Wilko Show on MIX 106.3 in Canberra. Follow her adventures at

Did someone ruin your proposal? Tell us in the comments below.

LISTEN: Osher Gunsberg shares his thoughts on taking proposals into your own hands…

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