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New pre-natal DND test gives parents early answers but is it the right thing to do?

Science has advanced but have our values caught up?

A few years ago pre-natal genetic abnormalities were diagnosed via a 12 week nuchal translucency test. Using a combination of maternal blood and ultrasound screening, expectant parents were given a statistical analysis of the likelihood that their child possessed genetic conditions such as Downs syndrome. Gender was usually announced to those wanting to know at around 18-20 weeks via a further ultrasound.

With the advancement in science pregnant women are now offered the chance to have non invasive pre-natal DND screening which not only provides more accurate results in relation to genetic deformities, but also gives a gender as early as ten weeks into the pregnancy. Using free foetal DNA which is found in the mothers blood, doctors are able to pinpoint with precision whether abnormalities occur on specific chromosomes and whether an extra male chromosome is present. You can read more about the test here.

Up until now the test has only been available overseas meaning women who wished to make use of it undertook a blood test which was sent to the United States for analysis. The cost of the test is incredibly prohibitive. Initially fees ranged from approximately $1000-1500, however over time the cost has come down with most recent fee schedules being round the $500 mark. Medicare currently offers no rebate for the testing.

I'm pregnant with my third child and I elected to take the test. It wasn't available when I had my first two children but I was of the opinion that I'd rather have all the available information on my unborn baby in order to make informed decisions. I was anxious to receive the results of the test and had decided to find out the gender. I hoped for a girl. I would have been happy with either. The bottom line for me is that I'm lucky enough to have any.

When I asked my doctor why the test wasn't offered in labs in Australia I was told that the Australian medical field is one based on very conservative foundations. The concern held by many in the profession was that expecting couples would be able to gender select in a way (which is currently illegal in Australia if using assisted fertility methods) by finding out the sex of the baby prior to the legal gestational period for termination of 14 weeks.

I was shocked. Having spoken not long before to a friend who is suffering through her seventh round of IVF treatment I was dumfounded how this would be the case. Why would anyone abort a healthy foetus based only on it's gender? Don't get me wrong, I am absolutely pro-choice and I know more than anyone the desire and longing for a child of one particular sex but for me, that was the line in the sand.

I contacted the clinic where I had the test and spoke with a well known Sydney genetic counsellor for her take on the matter. Her opinions were far different to what I would have expected. She told me that already they had seen an increase in terminations and she had personally been involved with several couples who choose this option based solely on the gender of the unborn baby. "Yes, I've seen it happen, and it's increasing especially amongst certain cultures.The way I see it is that people have the right to terminate a pregnancy for what ever reason they wish. To me, if that child is not going to be as wanted and loved because of it's gender than it's the parents right to terminate. It's sad but it's happening".

I personally have struggled with infertility and has observed so many friends go through the anguish of trying for a family. I support modern medicine assisting couples in their dream to be parents but for me, this is crossing the line. A healthy child with no genetic abnormalities and all the right bits in the right places is aborted simply because mum and dad wanted to buy pink and not blue. I dare say we're gone too far.

What do you think? Should parents have the right to abort their baby based on gender?

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