
The post-pregnancy truth that nobody talks about.





I don’t know anyone who lives in a house with a white, picket fence who has pooed their pants, except for me.

I’ve also wet my pants on the netball court and I’ve also had nipples the size of dinner plates.

I’ve attempted getting my sexy on with my husband, riding him on top only to find that my tummy spills onto his before our lips can meet in a kiss.

Bless those little souls who come into our life, completely change our bodies and change our lives forever. Welcome to motherhood.

During my first pregnancy I loved my growing bump; I loved everything about my tummy. It has always been my “trouble” area so at 6 weeks I took great pleasure to attributing my tummy lady lumps to the growing baby inside me.

The love affair with my round and full tummy lasted 9 months and halted abruptly when it no longer housed a little human being.

I remember sitting in the shower in a commode chair after the birth of my first child, Oliver, and thinking, “Faaaaark, that was a bit full on!” (Reflections on labouring for 18 hours, pushing for 3 and getting a suppository up my bottom as the trifecta.) I looked down at my tummy and it resembled something from the 80’s movie “The Blob”.  I remember thinking, oh it will return to normal, just give it some time. (The present me just laughs bahahahahaha at the notion of that!)

Weeks went on and my tummy still remained jelly-like and to top it off my nipples had grown to the size of dinner plates, I had it all going on so I decided to be proactive and join a netball team. Getting back into a team sport was fun, getting Ollie into a crèche and forgetting about being a mother was even better.

All was going really well until one day I took a dazzling intercept and wet my pants. God dammed pelvic floors got smashed during my pregnancy and all I could think was why did I only do my pelvic floor exercises for the 30 seconds that followed the question from my physio girlfriend, “have you been doing your strengthening exercises?”

So there I was, standing there on the netball court, completely blindsided, mortified with wee running down my leg. Here I was trying to be proactive about getting my body back into shape and all I could think was how disloyal it was being to me.

Whilst I was dealing with wetting my pants and those nipples I was surrounded by imagery and messages like: “My dream baby!” “How I got back into my pre-baby jeans!” “Being a mother is magical!”

The magazine covers looked like this:

 But there was no magazine covers like this:

There was another incident that occurred one night when I was walking from a friend’s house with my husband, pushing 6 week old Oliver in the pram. I got the urge to do a number 2; it was a “touching cloth” situation. I screamed to my husband “Run ahead, open the gate and the house and have the toilet door open and ready for me”.

He ran ahead and I ran along my street pushing the Bugaboo as fast as I could. If any of the neighbours saw us, I’m sure they would’ve thought, “Oh how delightful, that new family being all healthy and having a run on a Saturday night”. Little did they know.

I made it through our fence (please note the “perfect, white, picket fence”) through the front door, into the hallway and, well, there’s no other way to put it….

I shat my own pants.

I remember the mortified look on my husband’s face as I shuffled my feet to the toilet to clean up my mess. I remember crying and thinking to myself, I am meant to be cleaning up my baby’s mess, not my own.

Disloyal and disgusting body, I hate you.

I remember looking in the mirror and telling myself, “Your husband doesn’t want to f*ck you, you are revolting”.

So many changes occur to a woman’s body during pregnancy and after birth and yet society and the media glosses over all the (literally) shitty stuff and feeds us the unicorns and fairytale version of motherhood and parenting.

At a time when women need to be supported there are very few “real” stories but instead a plethora of smoke and mirrors, over-embellished stories of bliss, ecstasy and pleasure and lies – god damned lies.Getting your body back into your pre-pregnancy jeans ISN’T easy! And motherhood isn’t always joyous!

I’ve since learned to love my body. It’s taken a lot of effort, time and energy but I can tell you there is nothing better than a) loving your body wholeheartedly, lumps and bumps and all and b) telling society where they can shove their ideals of beauty.

It’s now my mission to help prevent as many women as possible from feeling the way I felt. I plan to do this by sharing poo and wee stories across the globe and challenging the notion that behind the razzle and dazzle of every front-page celebrity story, there is a woman who poos too, maybe has the odd nipple hair and perhaps even has her own set of insecurities. My tummy has housed three babies and my boobs have provided over 4000 meals to my tribe; for that I am proud of my body and no longer ashamed.

To all you amazing mums out there currently navigating dinner plates, weeing on the netball court or a having little accidents in your cottontails, please know you are not alone. United in the reality of shit and piss we stand.

Here are some other photos of post baby bellies, collected as part of Mamamia’s Body Positive Project.

Do you have any post-pregnancy or  real-life ‘post baby body’ stories to share?  

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Taryn Brumfitt is the Founder of Body Image Movement, a global movement which teaches women to “suck it up” and love their bodies. “My role is to harness and facilitate positive body image activism, I’d like to think of myself as a loveable activist!”. You can find her speaking at Corporate events, promoting her ebook “Body Lovin’ Guide“, wearing dinner plates or in the kitchen feeding her tribe of 3 under 7. She plans to take over the world, one fridge at a time with her positive and cheerful magnets!

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Top Comments

Cary Pragdin 5 years ago

Hey there, thank you for the encouraging article but I still hate my post-pregnancy body and I feel like my two daughters (who I love dearly) have stolen my life too. I think my dear mother gave me false hope; she's about 10cm taller than I am and has a better skin so she has zero stretch marks or any other signs of disfigurement, unlike me. I couldn't take proper care of myself and my skin during my first pregnancy, as my ex-husband forced me to work up to 20 hours a day in his business, in between screaming, shouting and swearing at me. When I was 8.5 months pregnant my gynae announced with a smile that she was quitting her practice to take a tour of Africa with her husband and nobody else would take me at this late stage but she'd handed over my file to her colleague. I'd wanted natural birth but the baby had one arm over her head and went into respiratory distress so they did an emergency C-section. The anaesthetist messed up the epidural and when my new gynae was stitching me up she got so tired of my telling her which layer of tissue I could feel her stitching she said, "Oh, just give her a general anaesthetic." And I was fielding phone calls for my ex's business the very next day. I went on the pill but still conceived our second daughter, which inspired me to leave my ex as I didn't want my daughters to grow up seeing how he treated me. During the pregnancy my ex was suing me for sole custody in High Court. The birth was great as I went for an elective Caesar with spinal block, but this baby had slep apnea which lasted for six years. (Her older sister's GER only lasted for 18 months, so I had no sleep for about 8 years.) We finally got a Decree of Divorce, my ex got the house, cars and business, and isn't paying the maintenance/child support agreed in our Settlement. When I took him back to Court he spent R120,000.00 to get out of paying R43,000.00, and he won. As custody and child support are separate issues under our national law, my ex still takes them weekends and holidays and returns them overfed, with a bunch of unnecessary toys that clutter up my residence and more pocket money than what I make in a week. Plus he has a full-time servant so if I try to teach them manners or how to clean up after themselves they phone dear dad and he either screams and shouts at me or sends me a lawyer's letter. So I do all the school runs, homework, uniforms, projects etc. like an idiot and remain without a life and disfigured while he can do whatever the hell he wants. My oldest has ADHD, requires expensive medication that I can't afford but cough up for anyway and my youngest still has sleep issues and won't stop talking, so when they're here I never get a moment's peace. As I said, I love them both with all my heart and have made huge sacrifices for them (for example using rolled-up toilet paper instead of tampons because tampons are now a luxury), but if I could have my life over again I would never have had them. I feel like an unpaid nanny to the rich and famous. I'm just so happy that I've done 10 years now and if neither of them fail I've only got another 10 years until I have to put them through university and then I can have a bit of peace. I pray that they won't have kids because I NEVER want to be in the position of desperately needing to make money but being held back by being an unpaid nanny ever again. (Divorce took all my retirement savings, plus I had to borrow money from relatives just to keep custody of my kids. My country's social welfare system is pathetic at best.) Although I love my kids, I've never felt that magic thing that other parents describe like, "When I see him/her smiling, it's all worth it." Or, "Oooh, it's so rewarding!" And I hate that too. On top of that, since giving birth I've developed epilepsy and severe food allergies so I need to shell out for more medication and eat a special diet which I have no time or money to prepare because thanks to their dad my kids never stop eating. Plus I have to work and take care of my mother, and when I go out I still have to hear people say, "So how far along are you?" or "When are you due?" In short, although I applaud you for promoting post-partum positivity I'm still sorry I'm too old and broke to gym and then get a tummy tuck. To anyone who is contemplating having kids, ask yourself if you're prepared to lose your looks, your health and your sanity, go grey before your time (literally happened), become an unpaid slave and house prisoner for the rest of your life and never have a moment to yourself or money to go to a movie ever again. Also, since it's well-known that kids put a strain on the healthiest of marriages, ask yourself if you've saved up a million bucks or more in your currency in case the strain is too much. In short, although I'm sure I'm biased toward the negative due to my experiences, having a kid isn't something I'd recommend to anyone and if you do decide to go ahead, please be sure you know the risks and prepare yourself. PS I can relate to you soiling yourself. I shat myself every day, and vomited up to 10 times, for 18 months. (My bladder will never be the same and I hate that too.) During those 18 months, every time I went to my GP he either told me to test for HIV (negative to this day), or said that I was too highly strung and upset by my ex's behaviour. I wound up dehydrated in hospital due to having developed undiagnosed food allergies. Tht was two years ago and I'm hoping to pay off the last bill next month. The epilepsy and food allergies will be with me as long as I live.

<deleted> 6 years ago