This Glorious Mess

Mamamia Podcasts

Little Kids: The Campaign No Mother Wants To Start

Rachael Casella lost her daughter to spinal muscular atrophy when her baby was only seven months old. 

The unimaginable loss led Rachael to advocate for change and education about genetic testing, because you may never have heard of it, but SMA is the number one genetic cause of death in babies.

In this episode, we discuss losing a child, the fight to have another after that happens and what more education around genetic screening and testing can do.


Hosts: Leigh Campbell & Tegan Natoli

Guest: Rachael Casella

Rachael Casella is a police officer with the Australian Federal Police and she is also the author of the book “Mackenzie’s Mission”. 

Mackenzie’s Mission is also a research study providing reproductive genetic carrier screening to 10,000 couples across Australia.

Producer: Pariya Taherzadeh, Jacob Round and Elissa Ratliff 


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