The Quicky

Mamamia Podcasts

"I'm 100% Ready To Face Her." Malka Leifer's Alleged Victims On Her Extradition From Israeal

It's the shocking scandal that's rocked a small Jewish community in Melbourne, and now it looks as though it will finally make its way into the courts here in Australia. 

Malka Leifer was the esteemed principal of the Adass Israel School who fled to Israel after being accused of sexual abuse by eight of her former students. 

For six years, sisters Dassi Erlich, Nicole Meyer and Elly Sapper have campaigned to bring her back to Australia to face a trial. 

Late last month it was announced that Liefer, who had avoided justice for 6 years by claiming illness, was mentally fit to stand trial. 

The Quicky chats with Nicole about how the news is being welcomed by her family.

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Host/Producer: Claire Murphy 

Executive Producer: Melanie Tait

Audio Producer: Ian Camilleri 

Guests:  Nicole Meyer, #BringLeiferBack Campaigner 


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