Me After You

Mamamia Podcasts

Work: Nine To Five Just Became 24/7

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When you become a mum, every career choice suddenly comes under scrutiny.

All of a sudden, it can feel like you owe everyone an explanation for why you’re a stay at home mum, or still in love with your job, or just slogging it out, trying to make ends meet. Like lots of things in motherhood, it seems there’s no right way to do it. 

In this episode, we dive deep on motherhood and careers. 

You’ll hear from journalist Narelda Jacobs about how her career in TV news made her want to hug her daughter so much tighter. From comedian Veronica Milsom, who has just left her drive time radio gig to give birth to her second child. From disability activist Stephanie Thompson about how her whole career had to shift after childbirth. And many more. 

Host: Laura Byrne @ladyandacat

Executive Producer: Elise Cooper @elisejcooper

Producer and Editor: Lama Zakharia 

Head of Audio: Bridget Northeast

Thanks to all the mums who featured in this episode, for sharing their stories to make all mums feel like they’re not alone