Mamamia Out Loud

Mamamia Podcasts

Wedding Regrets, #Nomakeup Celebs and Headphone Etiquette

Is having your father walk you down the aisle outdated? Why do we call makeup-free celebs "brave"? A dating expert has written a guide on how men can interrupt women with headphones in order to crack onto them. What's going on with the same-sex marriage plebiscite? And Ask Bossy has advice for a racist. Plus, remember when Book Week was all about the books? HA. HAHAHAHAHA. No, seriously. In a week of blackfaced kids dressed up as sports stars, we ask: are the librarians out there OK? 

Show notes

This show is hosted and produced by Monique Bowley with Mia Freedman and Kate De Brito

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Mia recommends the Mamamia Book Club podcast episode of Michelle Bridges Make It Happen

Monique recommends Younger on Stan

KDB recommends Sultana Cake (recipe on