Mamamia Out Loud

Mamamia Podcasts

Orlando, Meg Ryan's face and the modern digital dilemma

When tragedy strikes where do you find the rainbow? Is lighting our buildings a mark of solidarity with the gay community, or a useless display? It's the modern dilemma of our time: When you hate social media, but you can’t stop looking. Here's how to take control of your scroll. We need to talk about Meg Ryans face...or should we ignore it in the hope that impossible beauty standards just disappear? And in a world of minimalism, where we are all konmaring the crap out of our lives and trying to de-clutter, what are the superflous items that can make your life better?

Plus, Ask Bossy on why you should follow your gut instinct, and our 30th party planner responds to last week's question.

Show notes

Your host is Monique Bowley with Mia Freedman and Kate De Brito

Mia recommends Lust and Wonder by Augusten Burroughs

Monique recommends Sammy J's playground politics on iview

Kate recommends Lucy Clarke's book; My Beautiful Failure. 

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