Mamamia Out Loud

Mamamia Podcasts

Introducing Restart: Holly Wainwright Walked Out Of Her Old Life

Listen to the first three episodes of Restart here.

We're dropping into you feed to introduce our new show, Restart. 

Two years ago, Madeleine West hit restart on her life. She packed up her life in Melbourne and moved to Byron Bay, split up with her partner of 15 years and the father of her six kids and she started life again. And now she wants to find out why and how women from across the country are restarting their lives. For 10 weeks, Restart will look into why more and more women are pressing refresh on their lives, and how the hell they’ve done it. From divorce to health, to appearance, to career, to sex. And on this episode? Holly Wainwright joins Madeleine to talk about moving her life from the hustle bustle of the city to the country...

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