Mamamia Out Loud

Mamamia Podcasts

BONUS: The only TV shows you need to watch this summer

Bored? Too hot? Too full? Can't be bothered moving from the couch?
Each week on Mamamia Out Loud we’d give our recommendations of what we had watched/read or listened to that week. But you told us you wanted more. So we came up with three bonus episodes that would give you just that. 
Here’s what we recommended from TV land….



-Homeland Series 4 - Find it on Netflix or iTunes

-Unreal - find it on Stan.

-Upper Middle Bogan - find it on Netflix of iView

-Black Mirror - find it on Netflix

-Twinsters Documentary - find it on Netflix

-Friday Night Lights - find the whole 5 series’ on Netflix

-Nashville - find the first 2 series on Netflix - the others on iTunes

-A Beautiful Lie - find it on ABC’s iView

-Love Me Documentary - find it on Netflix

-Inside Amy Schumer - find it on ABC’s iView or Netflix

-Aziz Ansari’s stand up - find it on Netflix

-Kitty Flanagan’s stand up - find it on Netflix