Lady Startup Stories

Mamamia Podcasts

The 5 Best (And 1 Worst) Reasons To Start A Business

Starting a business is a lot...but what does it actually mean for you?

Would you finally be able to dedicate yourself to that passion project you’ve been working on when time (and life) allows?

What about financial freedom? Would it mean bringing in a second income? Relieving some of the stress from you and your family? Would it mean working from home and not missing those family moments? Maybe it would mean being your own boss?

Having something interesting to say when someone asks “So, what do you do?” Stepping out of your comfort zone, and getting that sense of purpose you just haven’t found in any other job?

Honestly, we relate. To every single one of those reasons. Which is why Mia has created the Activation Plan. To show any woman how to start any kind of business. The Activation Plan has been tried and tested by over 2,800 Lady Startups and counting.

Tested by literally thousands of women just like you. Women with a business idea, or a side-hustle. Women who, at the end of the Activation Plan, had the clarity, direction, and confidence, as well as the tools and support they needed to launch their business right. And they have! Thousands of businesses and side-hustles have been started by women who did this course with Mia.

Are you ready to start your own business or side-hustle?

Get your name on the waitlist now  

Enrolments are opening very soon and you do not want to miss this!

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