
“And Mommy and her new boobies lived happily ever after”

[Welcome to a Mamamia Best-Of holiday post where I get to take a little break while keeping you entertained with some of the most popular posts from days gone by]




Looking for the perfect mother’s day gift? How about My Beautiful Mommy, this fab picture book explaining plastic surgery to kids!

It’s the brainchild of Dr Michael Salzhauer, a Florida plastic surgeon who told Newsweek he was inspired to create the book when he noticed how many women were coming for consultations with their kids.

Oddly enough, he says these kids then became confused and upset when they saw mummy wrapped in bandages and oozing blood and other bodily fluids. Can’t imagine why they’d be confused and upset. Wimpy damn kids.

“Parents generally tend to go into this denial thing” says Dr Michael. “They just try to ignore the kids’ questions completely…With the tummy tucks, [the mothers] can’t lift anything. They’re in bed. The kids have questions.”

Yes, questions like HAS THE WORLD GONE SO NUTS THAT MY BEDTIME STORY IS NOW ABOUT MUMMY GETTING HER BOOBS DONE? And the answer to that, little Johnny, would be yes.

My Beautiful Mommy tells the story of a little girl whose mother gets breast implants, tummy tuck and nose job…..

Before the woman goes into surgery, she explains to her daughter, “You 

see, as I got older, my body stretched and I couldn’t fit into my

clothes anymore. Dr. Michael is going to help fix that and make me feel better.”

Oddly, this doesn’t explain the nose job but she does tell her little daughter that Mommy’s nose will look “different, my dear—prettier!”

What a great message to send to your daughter! What will she think about her nose then, Mommy, HUH?

Newsweek quotes one mother who bought the book for her 9 year old son after having her own nose job, boob job and tummy tuck. Afterwards at a party, the little boy went around asking people, “Did you see Mommy’s new belly button? It’s so pretty!”

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Top Comments

Cristina 14 years ago

"Dr. Michael is going to help fix that and make me feel

This sounds scary! Makes the whole thing ten times more eerie and it's just a dumb idea..

Jlo 16 years ago

what a sad and sorry time we live in.