
Photoshop Alert: Jessica Simpson

Does she really look so bad before she had half her ribs digitally removed by Elle magazine?

A great analysis of this particular re-touching on Jezebel, including this:

"In a world where lying, deception, and the fudging of facts has become
endemic in everything, all the way up to the highest levels of
government, this is yet another example of a fraud being perpetrated on
the public… and the public, for the most part, is not yet in on the
joke. Magazine-retouching may not be a lie on par with, you know, "Iraq
has weapons of mass destruction," but… when girls as young as eight are
going on the South Beach Diet, teenagers are getting breast implants as
graduation gifts, professional women are almost required to fetishize
handbags, and everyone is spending way too much goddamn time figuring
out how to pose in a way that will look as good as that friend with the
really popular MySpace profile, it’s fucking wrong."

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Top Comments

Mary 14 years ago

The money, time, thought, resources and energy spent on all forms beauty treatments, is nothing short of tremendous. The thing is that whilst it is normal to hope one atracts a mate, the world has gone so far beyond this healthy sense of good grooming and cleanliness, that the World of Beauty is now the World of Ego. The Ego is NEVER satisfied, never. So better you start to build up your inner beauty and DO GOOD DEEDS for yourself, your family, your friends, all peoples and all the living things on this planet. Then you will start to feel what REAL beauty is and that doing things like that truly satisfies oneself. Instead of the appearance of idolizing youthful genetic symetry, let us all idolize good people, doing good things.

My little daughter is 6. She already says that
...it doesnt matter what you look like, the sea is still pretty blue and the sand is nice and the lunch tastes so good, for everyone, the birds , the dogs, all people.....

A word to all mothers and mentors of young women, teach them well and lead by good example.

Every time you feel down about your looks, try to help yourself become more healthy first, as health is beauty. When I feel down about my looks, I go walking, eat fruit and do something for others..It is a good recipe for feeling better about yourself I find.

I am an Ex model, and am 50 now so have seen both sides, the quest for beauty never ends. I have had no enhancements of anykind and I look OK, for 50. Remember there will ALWAYS be thinner, prettier, younger, always. There is no winning, only for the profit of the beauty industry.

Jaz 16 years ago

I hate retouching. I dont care if someone doesnt look perfect. Really. I dont care.
Dont the makeup artists put enough makeup on them to look almost perfect anyway?
Retouching is so wrong..because there are still people out there who think this is how they normally look..I must admitt..at times I forget that too...
Argh. I dont wanna look at perfection, i wanna look at real.