
Oprah's Favourite Things list for 2015 is out, and it's just as bonkers as you'd expect.

The annual Oprah’s Favourite Things episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show used to be the hottest ticket in town, because the whole audience got everything the billionaire thought was a bit of alright.

Oprah Winfrey, 61, no longer does the show, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have an assortment of unnecessary, ostentatious or just plain bonkers items she wants us to know about it.

O Magazine has continued Oprah’s festive season tradition with 87 “gorgeous gifts” handpicked by the big O in the December issue, such as $425 cheese knives and nighties that have amusing slogans on them.

Watch Oprah reveal her 2014 Favourite Things List below (post continues after video).

Let’s take a look at a few more of them, shall we?

For that special someone who’s got everything: golden chocolate that costs $120.

For the pet who has everything except fur that’s thick and lustrous: what about a faux fur jacket?

For those who really need to chill: what could be more soothing than listening to Oprah and Deepak Chopra?

If that didn’t do it, then what about a Peace Love Oprah hoodie?

“This is my favorite hoodie to wear when I walk my dogs—and I offer peace to all when I do! The front says LOOK AHEAD IN A NEW DIRECTION, and the back has the Peace Love Oprah logo.”

I feel calmer already.

Other winners include ugly key rings, a $500 basket of chocolate turtles and truffle potato chips that cost $60.

The best bit? It’s ALL available on Amazon, so you, too, can gift like Oprah does. I hope your loved ones like chocolate turtles.


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Top Comments

guest 8 years ago

What a bunch of op-shop-tastic crap! Clearly she has run out of ideas.