
Open Post: What's happening in your world?






Welcome to Open Post. This is a weekly Mamamia tradition where we put up a post that’s not really about anything in particular. I promise it’s not just because I’m a lazy editor either.

The purpose of Open Post is for our wonderful community to be able to come together to share experiences, ask for advice, lend our support and generally talk about whatever the hell we like.

So let’s get started, shall we?

On my mind this week is a wonderful organisation called Welcome to Australia and their annual Walk Together event, which is happening right across the country this weekend. Walk Together happens on the Saturday of Refugee Week each year and is a chance for Australians to come together and show the world that we are a country which does not just tolerate cultural diversity but celebrates it.

When it comes to racism in our community and the treatment of people who come to this country seeking our protection – the last few months haven’t been Australia’s finest. From multiple incidents on public buses, to the excision of the Australian mainland from our migration zone, to the offensive comments made about Indigenous footballer Adam Goodes, I am really anxious to have the opportunity to do something positive in this area.

Now the result of these sort of incidents is that we often hear phrases bandied about like “Australia is a racist country”.

I absolutely do not believe that.

Like the team at Welcome to Australia, I believe that Australia is a compassionate, generous and welcoming country.

Of course we can always do better and it is up to those of us who do believe that while we’re a country girt by sea we DO have boundless plains to share, to stand up and be counted. To make our voices heard. And to do what we can to give all visitors to and residents of our country the sense on inclusion, security and belonging that we would wish them to show us in return.

In 2012, more than 10,000 Australians walked together to show their pride in our country’s cultural diversity.

This year, we hope to see that figure doubled. And I’d love for Mamamia readers to be a part of that.

If you’d like to be involved in Walk Together this weekend, you can find more information about what’s happening in your city or town here. I will be MC-ing at the Sydney event, which is taking place at 1.00pm on Saturday in Parramatta.

So if you’re there, please do come and say hello. We can huddle together for warmth and I’ll loan you my umbrella.

What’s happening in your world? What’s on your mind?


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Anon today 11 years ago

Hi lovely MMs,

I have a random question... I have been off the pill for about 7 months and my husband and I are probably going to start actively trying to fall pregnant in the next few months.

My period is due today, but yesterday afternoon I had a weird episode of spotting. It was (sorry for the TMI) brownish and heavier than any other spotting I've experienced before. I woke up today expecting my period, but -nada! I asked Dr Google (I know) and there was some mention of "implantation bleed"... I pee'd on a stick and it was negative. Any suggestions? :)

Elsie 11 years ago

Wait & see... I didntrealise i was pregnant as i kept having what i thought was my period (albeit very different to the norm!) and it turns out that i was 8 weeks pregnant!

Mug 11 years ago

OMM: I had a miscarriage on the weekend. I am so devastated. I was only 9 weeks pregnant but was super excited and we had started picking names. We told our 2 year old and she keeps telling people that there's a baby in my tummy and there isn't anymore. I know it happens all the time and I'm lucky to have my daughter but I'm just so down about losing the baby.

anon 11 years ago

So sorry for your loss Mug. I've been there a couple of times myself and it's rough. My thoughts are with you x