
Open Post: What's on your mind?





In previous Open Posts I have always been well behaved and tried my absolute hardest not to talk about politics.

That’s because most people put politics, religion and money firmly in the category of ‘not to be talked about in polite company’. But the sad reality is: I don’t really know or keep much polite company.

For my friends and I, politics is at the TOP of the list to make frivolous chitchat about with taxi drivers/hairdressers/unsuspecting work colleagues/the cute guy at the coffee shop.

In fact, I have a bunch of mates who regularly enjoy a quick game of ‘Fantasy Cabinet’ (it’s similar to a fantasy football league except substitute the players for MPs and Senators and… okay I don’t need to keep going, we’re completely ridiculous, I know. But it takes all kinds to make a world.)

I digress.

Today I’m breaking my no-politics-talk-on-Open-Post good behaviour bond. I’m busting out. I don’t care if the cops are onto me. I’ve watched enough Boston Legal to be able to know that a good closing argument, some witty repartee with the judge and a wink and a nod to the jury, means I’ll be fiiiiiiine anyway.

The truth is that when you ask me what’s on my mind it’s often politics. I’d be lying if I said otherwise, especially with the same sex marriage debate currently taking place in the House of Representatives.

This week, I’m struggling to get my head around the argument being mounted from several of our federal representatives – including those on the side of politics to which I lean –  that says “I’m all for marriage equality but seriously, there are bigger issues to worry about”.

This line or reasoning suggests that legal reform to recognise two people’s love for one another – reform that costs the taxpayer not one cent – isn’t worth bothering with. Well you know what? That’s easy to say when you’re heterosexual.

I define myself by two things. My work and my relationships. And I think a lot of us are the same.

What we do each day and the people we love and who love us – are what makes us who we are.

So the suggestion that equal recognition of those defining relationships, for a significant number of our country’s population, is somehow not worth the time and effort…well, it just baffles me.

I know that the Bill currently before our Parliament won’t pass. Coalition MPs are bound to vote against it and Labor is well and truly split on the issue. It saddens and distresses me to think that we are years, if not decades away from making marriage equality a reality.

I’ll stop now. Promise. Anyone want to chat about religion? Kidding… kidding.

Here’s what’s been happening around the Mamamia offices and on social media this week:

Regular readers would have also noticed that we’ve been pre-moderating comments this week. It’s great to see that our new commenting policy is making a difference and ensuring that Mamamia remains a happy, positive, engaged and vibrant place to be. It may mean you have to wait a little longer for your comment to appear but we’re working hard to make sure that we’re moderating as close to real-time as possible.

Enough from me. What’s been happening in your world? What’s on your mind this week?

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hellopetal 12 years ago

OMM: How to tell our almost 4yo that she's going to family daycare one day a week next month. She's been with me, SAHM, since dot with grandma up one day a week to give me a break. She's very verbal & very bright. She starts kindy next year in late Jan. How do we tell her that someone else she's not yet met will be looking after her for a while?

I would appreciate any ideas from SAHPs who might have had a similar situation...

sparkle 12 years ago

My hubbie and I are due to have our first child in just under 2 months after nearly 2 years and 3 unexplained miscarriages. We are so thrilled at this precious gift and the nursery is almost completely set up.
On a sad note, we are looking to rehome our very curious cat who needs a huge amount of attention and won't stay away from baby's things already. Some will disagree with our decision, but we have to do whats best for our baby, and for the cat - who we don't feel will get enough love and attention to be happy.