
We now know that Olena is the real hero of The Bachelor.

Anyone who’s known me for more than a week can tell you this very, VERY important fact: do not under any circumstances take me camping.

(Unless by camping you mean ‘glamping’ and there is an outdoor bath, a double bed and a three course meal on offer, in which case, I’m ready to leave NOW.)


So when Olena made no effort to hide the fact that a group camping trip with her potential new boyfriend Richie was pretty much the worst thing she’s ever experienced, I felt like I’d found my kindred spirit.

Keira spills all on the latest episode of Bach Chat.

And I wasn’t alone.

The Ukrainian beauty has won over fans ever since her first single date with Richie, when she didn’t shy away from asking him the tough questions. Like, WHEN DO YOU WANT KIDS TELL ME RIGHT NOW.

Last night was no different, with Olena confirming Richie’s worst fears by warning him that he might not be a hit with her family come hometown visits.


Also, not since Keira was forced to dress up as a giant kangaroo have we seen someone on The Bachelor be so unhappy with a date.

Richie wanted to take the girls camping so he could 'test' how much they would enjoy being dragged on countless outdoor adventures during their relationship.

Spoiler alert, Richie: some girls just don't like bugs. Or camping. Or being cold.

Has he ever heard of the saying 'opposites attract'?

SCROLL THROUGH the gallery to see who is left in the competition for Richie's heart...

2016 Bachelorettes

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Top Comments

Sylvia 8 years ago

The other girls seem like they're happy to jump hoops for Ritchie or do anything to please him. Ick.

dee 8 years ago

yes! i hate camping!