
North West has a personal trainer. Yes, she's two.


Ever heard of gymbaroo?

North West will probably be unveiling a new range of work-out wear for the fitness-conscious toddler any day now.

The two-year-old spawn of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West is reportedly being trained, personally, by one of her mother’s coterie of fitness gurus.

We don’t know how much the tiny fashionista can bench yet, but you can bet she’s already perfecting her gym-mirror selfie technique.

“She [Kardashian] has one of her guys work out with North at the end of her session, once or twice a week,” a “source” told Radar Online.

“They teach her fun stuff like stretches and other basic aerobics, nothing strenuous.”

Don’t worry though – this has nothing to do with health and fitness!

“She wants her to be a perfect physical specimen, and she thinks it’s perfectly normal to want to get North in shape at such an early age.”

Perfectly normal, yeah. Sure.

Check out our gallery of the short yet eventful life of North West.

North West Photo Gallery

More on those krazy Kardashians?

North West is 2. Here are the 9 most ridiculous things that have happened in her short life.

The 11 best things Kim Kardashian said in her Rolling Stone interview.

Kim Kardashian has just revealed the gender of her baby.


Top Comments

Danielle D'Souza 9 years ago

Ever heard of gymbaroo? Actually yes I have. My son was enrolled at 12 months. This is a ridiculous, grossly exaggerated article.

JanieBabes 9 years ago

Oh please, this is a bit of an exaggeration. My 4 year old niece has been attending gymbaroo from about the age of 2. She and all her little friends there love it. It's a fun activity for children.

Hermione 9 years ago

It's the parents' attitude that worries me. Kardashian wants her daughter to be the 'perfect physical specimen'. My goodness, that's a heavy expectation to lay on an adult, let alone a little kid. And what if North can't measure up, either by choice, genetics or chance? These people should not be parents.

JanieBabes 9 years ago

Yeah, I'd take what the "source" said with a huge amount of salt. Unless I hear it out of Kim's mouth that she wants a "perfect physical specimen" I'm gonna go along with she just wants North to do normal kid activities.