
The genius of the hairdressers' "silent chair" option.

For when all talk is too small.

Hairdressers. Nice people, right? Always full of compliments, always there to save you from a bad fringe. They are probably the only people in your life willing to give you a head massage, and they really believe in your growth potential… well, for your hair, anyway.

But talking to them? Do we have to?

To be filed under ‘problems all women share’, the do I/don’t I conundrum of chatting with your hairdresser is an ongoing fight between good and evil. One part of you knows that ignoring the person staring at you in the mirror is incredibly rude, but the other part of you just really wants to turn to mush under that head massage.

Well, a hairdressing salon in Cardiff, South Wales has solved this age-old conundrum, with the introduction of a ‘quiet chair’ option. After realising some customers weren’t returning to the salon simply to avoid conversation with the stylist, Bauhaus salon decided to introduce the ‘silent chair’.

Although it sounds like something out of Principal Trunchbull’s office in Matilda, the ‘silent chair’ is far from a torture device. This, my friends, this is pure bliss.

My only wish is that this kind of honesty could begin to spread across all facets of awkward small talk situations.

Like, heading to a bar for a first-time Tinder date? Drop the weather chat and just go straight for their Netflix password. Meeting with your GP for a pap-smear? Forget asking about the kids, just spread ’em and get it over and done with. Mingling at a work function? Who needs small talk when you just have an honest chat with your boss about all those unpaid Saturdays!

I say bring on the silent hairdressers chair.

Although without small talk, we’re going to need a whole bunch more Woman’s Day mags.


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Top Comments

Susan 8 years ago

All our professional communication now seems to be remote - we text, email, sametime, use link, everything but actually talk to each other in the work place - I can't remember the last time I actually talked with my boss ( it's been months!). So you know what, I don't mind a bit of harmless chit-chat at the hairdressers, we talk movies, activities, travel etc, it's pleasant..and more human than what I have every day at my work!!

Dario Chicco 8 years ago

I could right a book with what I know from my clients that covers from politics crime call girls you name it I know it.If I ever write a book I'd have to use fictions .