reality tv

Err... Nick Cummins has attempted to explain why he didn't open up on The Bachelor.

Erm. So Nick Cummins explained some stuff.

Responding to a comment on Lisa Wilkinson‘s Instagram, he addressed the fact that while the women on the show were expected to wear their heart on their sleeves, the Bachelor was allowed to just… nod.

“The only thing I felt sad about Lisa was that he expected the girls to be open about their feelings for him but he didn’t give them the same privilege,” the fan wrote in response to an Instagram Wilkinson posted defending the Bachelor.

Then the Honey Badger weighed in.

“If I was allowed to tell them, the show would be very different,” he wrote in a comment.

And oh. This makes sense.

It also reinforces the theory that he wanted to pick Brooke but couldn’t, contractually, say how he felt.

Nick Cummins will be speaking to Wilkinson this evening on The Sunday Project.

While his interview last week was criticised for being too dismissive of the women he broke up with, Wilkinson wrote on her Instagram that we will all be able to sleep after this interview.

Thank. God.

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