
Welcome to the new-look Mamamia!

Well, hey. You’ve probably landed on this post because you’ve come to Mamamia, looked around and everything seems new and different and where am I and what’s going on. Don’t freak out. Change can be good. (This change is especially good. Trust us.)

We’ve changed things up for a reason and you’re going to be stoked when you discover what’s in this for you.

Mamamia nerds who have been with us since the beginning (10 years!) could tell you that this is the 7th major new-look Mamamia – and each time it’s been a significant upgrade that makes life better for our audience.

So welcome to Mamamia 7.0.

3 new things to get excited about…

  1. Speed. You’re busy. We’re busy. Also impatient. So this Mamamia 7.0 is an astonishing 12 times faster. Think of all that spare time we’ve just freed up for you to read, watch and listen to more of our written articles podcasts and videos. 
  2. Mobile. Mobile. Mobile. Remember computers? Ha. Chances are you’re reading this on your phone because, well, why wouldn’t you be? Good news. We have some features especially for you. On the homepage you can scroll vertically to experience the diversity of content on Mamamia has. On the other hand, when there’s something you love like podcasts, you can start sliding horizontally to dive deep into your faves. This is a fully thumb-led redesign. And we don’t mean to brag (we do) but it’s awesome.
  3. ‘Get into my ears.’ Thumbs aside, the number one request we’ve had from you is about making our award-winning podcasts and original viral videos easier to find. As part of our audience you’re (collectively) downloading more than 2.5 million podcast episodes a MONTH and even more videos.

If you have some feedback (good or bad), we’re all ears so please share it with us.

Now go get amongst it.

Mamamia Team xxx


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Top Comments

Janet 7 years ago

A refresh is always nice, here is some constructive feedback:

- The navigation text is almost invisible on the pattern background in the top bar (on desktop) this is hard to read even for users without vision impairment

- The lack of a "lead" or "A feature" article on the homepage makes the site feel more like a content aggregator rather than an actual publisher of original content.

- "Mamamia 7.0 is an astonishing 12 times faster" is a nice vanity metric, but I'm assuming this is based on server-side performance improvements. The browser performance (page load, scroll smoothness, memory usage) feels much slower than the previous version. Possibly due to an excessive amount of third-party code such as tracking, content reccomendation and advertising scripts.

- I think it's clear from the other comments, but autoplaying videos are really damaging to the user experience. While I understand this is a financially driven decision, this should be balanced against the obvious negative association this causes to your brand.

- design inconsistencies: much more of a personal opinion but it feels like the visual design is more suited to print rather than the web. For example the clickable text is the same colour as non-clickable text, which makes components such as the "What's popular right now" panel appear, at first glance, to be a static list of titles rather than links to full articles. It was nice to see in the previous site a very strong UX based design system which focused on letting the content be the defining character of the brand. This new design feels like a step backwards to early 2000s web design before responsive design and optimisation for mobile devices were a thing.

It's always nice to see full brand/website refreshes like this. It looks like your web development team have done a great job building it. I'm in the industry and I know how much work goes into projects like this and how difficult it is to make something that pleases the majority of your audience. (I also know how hard it is to get real feedback from the actual users!)

All the best!

Visual 7 years ago

Bring Back the PICTURES of the articles!!! 85% of the worlds' population
are VISUAL... I only read one article a day now... :((
A PICTURE paints a 1000 words, the new format is typographically boring and visually boring!!!

Salem Saberhagen 7 years ago

No, the 'pictures' were mainly all 'stock photo' rubbish, anyway, and not real ones. Less clutter, the better.