
You'll soon be able to stream Netflix on all domestic QANTAS flights.

Hey, jetsetters? Your TV bingeing habits are about to reach all new heights.

Today, our nation’s beloved airline QANTAS has announced passengers on domestic flights will be able to stream Netflix, Foxtel and Spotify as part of its in-flight entertainment options.

In other words, no pesky interstate flights can stand between you and your daily fix of Outlander now.

And before you start panicking about episodes being struck down by buffering halfway through your flight, it sounds like that won't be a problem.

In a release, QANTAS claimed its on-board internet — set to be switched on its first domestic aircraft later this month — was "up to 10 times faster" than "conventional" in-flight Wi-Fi.

The rest of the domestic Boeing 737 and Airbus A330 aircraft will carry the service from mid-2017.

Listen: The OA is one of the many Netflix series you'll be able to watch in the air. This is why you should. (Post continues after audio.)

"While Foxtel, Netflix and Spotify are all paid subscription services, they will offer free access to Qantas customers on and off the aircraft for between three days and one month after their Qantas flight," the release states.

Here's how it'll work, according to the airline:

Foxtel will offer three days free access to its Foxtel app every time a customer flies, allowing customers to stream live sports, news and TV shows as well as its full range of on-demand content. No sign-up to a subscription is required.

Netflix will offer new customers access to the entire Netflix service as part of a 30-day free trial. Existing Netflix members only need to log in to continue watching at no extra charge.

Spotify will offer a 30 day free trial of its Premium music service, which has no ads, shuffle play and unlimited skips.

As if access to Netflix's extensive library isn't thrilling enough, Foxtel's Executive Director has highlighted some of its upcoming series — including the adaptation of Liane Moriarty's Big Little Lies, The Real Housewives of Sydney, and later in the year, season seven of Game of Thrones.

You'll never have to make awkward small talk with the stranger sitting next to you again.

Hypothetically speaking, will on-board staff notice if passengers just... refuse get off the plane so they can finish watching a series? Asking for a friend.

Catch up on all things TV with Mamamia's The Binge podcast.

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