
For any woman who's ever found her keys in the fridge.

Thanks to our brand partner, Flordis

For anyone who thinks they need more room in their brain…

I’m a busy mum of two young boys. I work and run a house and, like a lot of mums, I find I often have about 50 million projects on the go at any one time.

Sometimes I feel like I need my head to be in three different places all at once.

The kids need this, work needs this, I promised my husband I would do this… As women, we are constantly multi-tasking. In fact, a recent study in the UK has found what we probably knew all along: women appear to be better at multi-tasking than men.

No surprises there. In fact, my husband and I often joke that he has the ability to only do one thing at a time. He does it well, but it’s only ever that one thing.

Meanwhile, multi-tasking for women is more of a fact of life – a coping mechanism for all the things we need to get done in the day. But all this expert multi-tasking can come at a cost.

Most of the time we can operate well, but sometimes things get a little bit too much. Work-life pressure can throw out the balance of what we feel we can manage versus what our lives demand of us.

For me, that is when I tend to forget things. My concentration starts wavering and I do things that I wouldn’t normally do. It gets even worse when things become really stressful.

Have you ever misplaced your keys and after a long stressful search, found them in the kitchen cupboard or in your knickers drawer or in the fridge? This is a typical sign that your working memory might not be performing well. And trust me, there is nothing that a multi-tasker should care more about than her own working memory. Think of it as your mental workspace to process, store and recall information.

The good news is that if multitasking takes a toll on your brain functions or you find yourself in one of these stressful periods, there is something you can do to help yourself. I’ve recently discovered KeenMind, a natural medicine clinically proven to help improve mental performance and support you in times of stress.

Clinical studies into KeenMind have shown that it can also help to improve everyday working memory and focus – winning! As mums, wives, partners, employees, employers and every other role us women do in a day, a little help never goes astray.

Want more info? KeenMind contains a specific extract of Bacopa monnieri that is clinically proven to support memory, concentration and learning retention. It has been researched for over 40 years and recently in several Australian clinical trials.

KeenMind has neuroprotective properties and can also have a calming effect, which may be useful during times when mental clarity is compromised by stress.

Adults just take two capsules daily with breakfast – too easy.

So next time you find yourself forgetting simple instructions, where you’ve left your phone or names of people you’ve just been introduced to, KeenMind could be something to keep in mind…

How do you cope when life gets stressful? 


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“The 3 things I always stop doing when I am busy and stressed.”

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