
The multiple choice wedding invite everyone needs in their life.

Bad luck for any guests that were actually planning a trip to Yemen.

Weddings, for the most part, are fairly formulaic.

White dress. Vows. Conventional invitation.


A multiple choice wedding invitation that asks guests to select a specific reason they can or cannot attend a wedding is going viral (for good reason).

The invitation, sent by 28-year-old bride and 29-year-old groom-to-be Katie Kerr and Chris Sabino, offers guests the opportunity to select options like “two words: Free. Booze” if they can attend, and “I will be visiting, um, Yemen. Yeah, Yemen” if they can’t.


Speaking to Chicago Tribune about the now viral invitationKerr said, “We were just trying to make it different and unique. This is crazy. I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal”.

This isn’t the first multiple choice invitation that has reached the interwebs though.

In April this year, an Imgur user uploaded the following invitation they received:

Well done everybody.

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