
Miss America's weirdly impressive skill.




In a win for World Peace, a new Miss America has been crowned.

Kira Kazantsev, the third Miss New York to become Miss America in three years, won the crown in Atlantic City on Sunday.

And her ‘skill’?

Playing the cup.

In case you weren’t aware, a movie called Pitch Perfect (which starred hilarious Aussie actress Rebel Wilson) started a craze a couple of years ago. A scene shows Anna Kendrick tapping out a rhythm on an upside-down cup whilst singing. Because of course. After the  2012 release, YouTube was flooded with copycats, and cups all over the world got beaten endlessly.

So Kira jumped on board. When it was her turn to perform in the ‘skill’ category, she whipped out a cup and some impressive vocal chords.

“‘The reason why I chose to do that talent is I wanted every single little girl in America to be able to see that you can do that talent – you can do whatever talent you want on national television – even with a red cup – and still be Miss America and have the time of your life,’ said Kira.

Indeed. And here it is:

While she slammed away on the little red cup, broadcasters showed pop-ups of information on the contestant. One of her interests, however, was ‘She loves anything Jane Austin’.

Guys, it’s Austen.


Kira hopes to use her US$50,000 prize to attend law school, once the Miss America commitments (including travelling about 20,000 miles a month for ‘appearances’) dies down.



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